Hey Eric,
The best revenge is to live a long, happy, life. - proverbial saying
At the recent Cult Workshop by Hassan & Watters, this very point was brought out. It's necessary for cults to "demonize" former members. Otherwise, cult members might start thinking that there could be a life outside their cult. Why, the WT can't have you quietly walking away happily - other jw's might get the same idea!
Also, it's necessary to police their flock. What better way but to encourage them to spy on each other......with impunity, even as a spiritual accomplishment. "Keeping Jehovah's Congregation Clean."
So, Brother Snitch is doing what's he been taught to do by JW's. Spy & report. No different than the Nazi Youth Groups. People were afraid of their own families - afraid of being reported. And they were. And JW's are in the same predicament. How many people have been df'd because a spouse *talked to the elders* about the doubts of their family?
As for Brother Snitch coming to you as the scriptures dictate? Lol........the WT won't uphold that. Counter-productive to spying. He can report you in secrecy....that way, he & others will be emboldened to report other people too. If the accused really had the right to confront their accuser, well, people might not be so fast to accuse, eh?
Of course, it seems ONLY with CHILD MOLESTERS does the WT hang onto their "two witness" and the right of the "accused to see face to face their accuser."