DonnieDarko - you must be ignorant or you must not have read my entire thread. I am angry and upset over the hypocracy of the whole thing. This person who snitched has visited an apostate website. This person is spreading rumors about me. This person is being intentionally malicious. Will this person be counsiled for not comming to me first? Will this person be counciled for visiting a website? Will this person be counsiled because they are gossipers? NO
That is what angers me. Dont talk to me about what you know nothing of. And yes, there are people that I would like to be able to talk to wether I am a JW or not. Does that mean that I cant do what I want and join the military? I have to live the life that I would as a JW just to be able to associate with some people?
Buzz off
Kansas Distritc Overbeer