My wife and son were watching the January broadcast and one of the segments was about William Tyndale. William Tyndale was a bible translator in the early 16th century. I always knew that the org held men like Tyndale, John Hus and John Wycliffe in high regard. But in the broadcast, it almost sounded like the org was trying to make him sound like he worshipped “the true god”. Certainly Tyndale knew that the name “Jehovah” was a creation of a medieval monk centuries earlier. I feel that this is just another example of the org trying to make things fit.
Apparently, William Tyndale was an early J-Dub?
by My Name is of No Consequence 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It has always been portrayed that way.
Back when the teaching that the Faithful Slave was all the anointed on earth at a given time appointed from the year 33, it was taught there was always a few faithful anointed ones on earth serving spiritual food at the proper time. Tyndale seemed like one of these candidates according to this teaching.
My Name is of No Consequence
Londo111, I guess you're right. The org would bring up these men from time to time. But never like they did in the broadcast.
How come the org doesn't talk about that 12th century monk who invented the name "Jehovah"? Surely he was a "predecessor of truth".
Absolutely not...he had a beard;
My Name is of No Consequence
LOL Bugbear! I thought the same.
Back in the olden days, when they use to teach that there was "always" a "faithful & discreet slave", even in the dark ages, Renaissance, etc., the WT used to run 3 or 4 page biographies of various people, emphasizing the point or 2 (trinity, hellfire, use of "Jehovah", etc.) championed by the subject that happened to coincide with "current truth" as taught by JWs.
Tyndale, Wycliffe, the Cathars, I think even Isaac Newton, and so on. Seems like they did several dozen articles like that.
The unstated, but strongly implied, message was something like "hey, these guys might have been anointed, maybe they were part of the FDS in the 5th / 12th / 16th / you name it century."
Yeah, Tyndale had a beard, and would not have been allowed to carry a microphone. But that's okay: microphones hadn't been invented yet!
"Throughout the centuries there have always been truth lovers. To mention just a few: John Wycliffe (c. 1330-1384) and William Tyndale (c. 1494-1536) furthered the work of Bible translation even at the risk of their life or freedom. Wolfgang Fabricius Capito (1478-1541), Martin Cellarius (1499-1564), Johannes Campanus (c. 1500-1575), and Thomas Emlyn (1663-c. 1741) accepted the Bible as God's Word and rejected the Trinity. Henry Grew (1781-1862) and George Storrs (1796-1879) not only accepted the Bible and rejected the Trinity but also expressed appreciation for the ransom sacrifice of Christ. Although we cannot positively identify any of such persons as "the wheat" of Jesus' illustration, certainly "Jehovah knows those who belong to him."" Jehovah's Witnesses-Proclaimers of God's Kingdom p.44
In 1919, The Finished Mystery pp.23-72 claimed that the Seven Messengers of Revelation 2 and 3 were St Paul, St John, Arius, Waldo, Wycliffe and Luther and Russell. However Waldo, Wycliffe and Luther were Catholics and Protestants whose beliefs were strongly at odds to both Russell and the essential doctrine listed above.
They love John Milton too, and the Watchtower seems to be written in a comparable voice to Milton's more academic work where he prooftexted against the Trinity.
But Milton believed in divorce and wrote kind of a famous poem where the hero is Satan.
Well, nobody's perfect.
Back in the olden days, when they use to teach that there was "always" a "faithful & discreet slave", even in the dark ages, Renaissance, etc.
Is that not the official teaching anymore? What about the parable of the wheat and the weeds Matthew 13 (or whatever it's called in English)?