Consider earth as one of the sources for the force that drives evolution. This hypothesis would of necessity require an infintesimally small mote of intelligence or consciousness at the atomic level, and below that, if there was something lower.
Atomic inteligence would explain why atomic hydrogen, the lowest form of known matter in the universe, forms itself into into clouds, that are called nebulae. Nebulae, in turn give birth to stars.
The sum total of the intelligence or consciousness that concentrated itself as a result of the formation of the earth, would then form the lowest new life form, either on the earths surface of in it's bowells. Geologists have found bacterias hundreds of feet below the surface. While this fact doesn't prove that they originated there, it is interesting that they are there in the first place.
Whatever was the lowest and original life form, along with it's own scintilla of intelligence arising from it's atoms, would additionally have the help of earth and other forces. These could have taken the forms of electromagnetic fields, ley lines, solar radiation, scalar fields, acids, bases and heat. Included in these sources of stimulation are the vibrations or spectrums that give them form.
If such a thing as spirit exists, then it may have had a hand as well, especially w regard to humans. It may or may not have been involved in the lower forms, that includes animals. If it wasn't then all of nature, animals included, may be connected to the earth, which produced them. If that were so, then they may be giving feedback to their creator.
This feedback would be the eyes and ears for the earth, telling it how it's experiments going. Taking a look at how the large earth systems impact civilization w the possibility that the earth is guiding them gives some interesting ideas.
Plate tectonics are driven buy convection lava/magma currents deep in the earth. Plate tectonics, in turn, largely control the shape of the continents. The continental shapes determine the way that the large ocean currents flow. The ocean currents have a large control the world's directional winds, at least in the lower atmosphere. The directions of the prevailing winds determine, to a large degree, the weather of the continents, though mountain ranges, and land masses also play on the winds. Mountains extract moisture as they force air currents to rise. Land masses force air masses to rise as the land warms.
These are all factors that control the growth of crops and game movement, and hence the migrations of people. If conditions are tough, they keep moving and culture generally has a harder time to develop. Societies are generally harsh, patriarchal. When the land is fertile, people settle down, get comfortable and have the time to self explore and recreate. They tend to be more liberal, w women sharing more of the power.
Quite a few science articles that i read, have stated that at about 10,000 bc, what are now large deserts in america, north and central africa, asia, and the middle east were lush jungles and grasses. Some sociologists conclude that life was good, at this time, for humans. Some of them think that this is where the paradise traditions originated. Further, they think that desertification caused a shortage of resources, which led to competiton, warfare and fragmentation of societies then existing. Did desertification forces originate from solar effects, the clarification of outer space or from the earth?
So, watchou think of my grand theory?