Hey Ros
in answer to your question. . . .
is a conversion formula developed by Einstein in 1905, in a nut shell these are the components of the formula. . . . and a very concise history as to its development. . . .over the course of a few centuries. . . . .
Faraday(1800's) found a similarity between magnetic fields and electric currents. . .and how they cold be converted
lacking formal education he went against the grain of the school of thought at the time and proposed circular flow as opposed to simply linear flow of current
His contribution connected the way the 2 forces were perceived and established a relationship between the 2 which led to the Law of Conservation of Energy which was taught to Einstein in school and to which he disagreed with . . .
Lavoiser(late 1700's) based on an experiment that involved weighing metal as it collected rust, he pioneered the way for the advancement of the Law of the Conservation of Mass.
His contribution helped to show that there was an interconnection between physical objects and regardless what was done to a substance and how it was disposed of either by burning, crushing etc. it would not disappear, though the object changed physically, somehow the Mass remained the same.
So during the !800's everyone was taught that Energy was one thing and Mass was another. if you deleted something in either of the 2 realms then something would pop up to replace what was missing. . . .
this is simply the speed of light 186,000 mps
what this means. . .
London to LA in .05 of a second
why C? as homage to the Latin word Celeritas.
During the 1600's science flourished in Italy.
Galileo was the first to clearly conceive and experiment with the idea of measuring the speed of light, Cassini and Roemer figured it out correctly though history favors Roemer. . .
Forward to Faraday. . . late in life he meets a man by the name of Maxwell who in time lfigured out that light "leapfrogged" electricity over magnetic field in a continuous cycle. . .
because of this effect , light is a physical process that cannot be exceeded, electricity out of magnetism and then magnetism out of electricity on infinity, light will shoot away from anything that is trying to catch up with it. . .
Enter Einstein, during the 1890's his professor refused to teach what Maxwell had discovered, though Maxell's contribution was already established and taught as truth. . .Einstein not pleased with his professors approach began cutting class and developing his own theories. . .
will continue on the next window. . . .to finalize the explanation hope this helps so far. . .
will be back shortly
"New Way, What's this about a new way???"---Alex, Clockwork Orange