You asked:
where is/was your concern for these people? Are their lives less valuable than the suffering Iraqis?
What, precisely, is the responsibility of the USA in ridding the planet of oppressive leaders?
To attempt an answer to your questions:
No the lives of these other people are not less valuable than the Iraqis. If I had my druthers, the West would be doing far more to help people in all those places, economically and militarily. As an average person I do what I can (and that isn't much) in terms of donating to charities and also working quite extensively with a number of them in my professional field. My vote will also be heavily influenced by the foreign policies of the parties in the upcoming elections (when I get my citizenship, that is...lol).
The responsibility of the USA to the world community is essential the same as the responsibility we have as individuals to our smaller communities, as I see it. If I'm walking down the street and I see a person being beaten up/mugged/raped, I have a responsibility to intervene and stop it happening, by force when necessary. That is my responsibility in a society based upon promotion of the common self-interest (which they all are). I enjoy the benefits of such a society, and I therefore incur that responsibility.
The US is a member of the world community. It certainly benefits from that community in trade, culture etc. It therefore has a responsibility to promote the common self interest of the world community, by stopping the governmental equivalents of muggers/rapists etc. This is a responsibility that all have, not just the US. The UN was supposed to do this, but it's failed miserably. I for one am glad that the world's current strongest nation has, and continues to, live up to its responsibilities. The world is overall a much better place because of it.