How can you doubt the Word of God and especially its interpretation by His earthly representative, the Faithful and Discreet Slave?
Many serious scientists find now that science cannot contradict the bible, because the bible comes from The One Who Created It All.
It has been proven that a day was actually one thousand years, and that the Creation took exactly 6,000 years to be finished.
God created the light on the first day (first one thousand years). You may say that that is impossible because he created the sources of light such as the sun, the stars, and the moon on the fourth day (fourth 1,000 years of creation). You are wrong. Our Governing body changes the new light constantly, so we are even quicker than God.
How could God create the sun, the moon, and the stars on the fourth day, if there were no days to mark the days and therefore there could not be a third day if there was no time before the third day? Easy: God can do everything. He put those sources of light in a firm surface (firmament) on the second day but did not light them up until the fourth day so that we could see. He does not need light. Only we do. That is why our GB gives us new light. It is an illusion that there are stars older than 14,000,000 years. God created them only 9,000 years ago. The moon is also a source of light. They fake its opaqueness in Hollywood.
He kept the plants on darkness for a thousand years, but they did not need light anyway because there were no insects to pollinate them so that they could reproduce, but he took care of that in the fifth millennium when he created from the water the flying animals such as bats, eagles, butterflies, and others. He also created the swimming animals such as the porpoises, penguins, and crabs from the water.
On the sixth day he created the land animals such as the horses, ostriches, and spiders from the ground. He crowned his creation with man and woman.
Actually maybe the bible clarifies all of these on the second chapter where it shows that the human male was created on the second day of creation, four thousand years before the female because the bible tells us that there were no plants because there was no man to take care of them, so after all the animals were created to show a possible mate (The ingrate Adam rejected all animals from a microscopic amoeba to a gigantic dinosaur), and God created a female, not from ground or water, but from his rib. 4.000 year old Adam was happy to have a brand new squeeze to play with, but his DNA was missing something and he even completed it with an X Chromosome by adding something to his Y chromosome.
The ingrate Eve seduced 4,000 year old Adam and made him listen to her causing God to start modifying his creation as in the case of the snakes which have lost their voices and eat dust.
This are the true facts. No serious scientist can dispute them.
Who are you going to believe, God or some unproven Theory?
You will be sent to hell/destroyed at Armageddon if you doubt your loving god!