what would you do if you could live forever and ever and ever?

by Zep 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Zep

    You know, living forever sounds really great. But really, what would life be like without death? Death really helps to define who we are. It provides an urgency to what we do. It makes us get up off our ass and do something, achieve something, because we know we might not be around tomorrow. But if there was no death wouldn't we become lazy, fat, bored, slobs?

    I use to think if i got to paradise I would do all these wonderful things. But now, I think if i make it to the next world I will become a BUM...Yep, just Bum around for awhile and do nothing....atleast for the first 2 billion years, then I might get up off my ass and learn to paint or something.

  • czarofmischief

    Pretty much what I'm doing now, which is theater and comedy and staying out late with all the wrong sorts of people...


  • Ravyn

    hmmmm I never thot of it before..but if you lived for ever you could smoke and drink and eat fatty foods and get sunburn and have unprotected sex and take drugs.....well that would last me about 6 months, then I would be bored.


  • Robdar

    Pretty much what I'm doing now, which is theater and comedy and staying out late with all the wrong sorts of people...


    I know THAT'S right! I didn't know you were in theatre too. Drop me a line. I want to hear about which shows you have been in. [email protected]


    Not only would I do the things that Czar mentioned, I would also study biology, physics, astronomy, maybe do space exploration. I would scuba dive the world over, learn to communicate better with animals, study nature, learn ballet, tap dance, paint, sketch, write poetry, engage in long conversations with friends, travel, try different foods, wine, liquors, coffees, learn to walk on fire, take naps, farm, raise dingos, learn to levitate, hike, climb mountains, drive a dog sled across the arctic, check out the aurora borealis and the aurora australis, practice piano, learn to play the flute, harp and mandolin, go camping....etc.

    Good question. Thanks.



  • Farkel

    : what would you do if you could live forever and ever and ever?

    There would come a point in time where everyone has mastered everything in the human experience. This is logically inevitable. Consider what Mozart did in only 35 years of life. Or Chopin in 39 years of life. Or Beethoven in 57 years of life. We are talking about BILLIONS of years of life in the dub fantasy of "eternal life," folks. With asshole ELDERS running the whole show!

    At the point in time where I've mastered everything in the human experience, I would kill myself, preferring not to live the rest of eternity in boredom.

    And if God wouldn't let me kill myself at the time, then he's a sadist.


  • onacruse


    There would come a point in time where everyone has mastered everything in the human experience. This is logically inevitable.

    My friend, I totally disagree with that. Just when the limits of experience and knowledge have been "set," they inevitably get moved back. I recall, for example, that in the early 19th-century the consensus of physicists was that Newtonian mechanics fully explained the physical universe; just a few "minor details" to work out was all that remained. Then, along come Gauss, Riemann, Kaluza, Eddington, Einstein, Scrodinger, Dirac, Weyl, Heisenberg, Ricci, Christoffel, Levi-Civita, Eddington...

    The perception of the physical world changed like it hadn't changed in 200 years, and things suddenly became real that had never before even been imagined.

    Give me eternity, please...there is no end to what I'd love to learn and experience.

    Or, check back with me in a few billion years; maybe my opinion will be different then


  • Ed

    You could really clean up on long-term high-yield investment programs

  • pseudoxristos

    I would do absolutely nothing. The chances of having some horrific accident after a billion years, seems inevitable. Many people can't even make it 80 years without accidentally killing or disfiguring themselves. I don't have a problem taking certain risk now because I know that I will only live about 80 years, so what if I screw up and accidentally kill myself a little early. It's not like I would be risking eternity.

    What would prevent someone from accidentally getting themselves trapped somewhere such as a cave for eternity? Give people eternity, and I'm sure they will get themselves in some really stupid situations.


  • Farkel


    : Give me eternity, please...there is no end to what I'd love to learn and experience.

    Think of blow-jobs for a billion years and tell me you won't get bored!

    365 1/4*1,000,000,000 (assuming one per day) = boredom

    Most people tend to have wonderment of life and its own mysteries. We get to experience this wonderment in a time frame that is mostly under 90 years of human existence. Now think of one millenia of existence. That's only 1,000 years and only 10 lifetimes if people all lived to be 100 years old. But just think of what you could accomplish with your accumulated knowledge in TEN lifetimes! Now think of one Hundred Millenia of existence. That's only 100*1000 or ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND years.

    But 100,000 years is only 10% of one million years, and one million years is only 1/1000th of one billion years, and one billion years is only 1/1000th of one trillion years.

    Hell, I'm almost 55 and I'm already bored, and I love to learn stuff!

    Yep. I'd be bored. Don't know about you, but I know I would be bored after a hundred thousand years or so!



  • neyank

    I'd take a realy long nap.


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