what would you do if you could live forever and ever and ever?

by Zep 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    I'm almost with Farkies on this one....except after we mastered everything, including space travel I would want to leave the planet and go exploring....Anyone ever read Lazarus Long by Robert Heinlein? Good stuff and also a good series of books including I Will Fear No Evil...


    District Overbeer of the "Off Planet" class

  • onacruse


    our universe is after all not endless. it is a limited space

    For the purpose of analogy, I spoke in physical terms. In my not-so-clear way I was talking primarily about "the pool of available human experience and knowledge." Experience and knowledge, being non-physical, are not subject to any physical limits of a conservative closed entropic universe.

    Furthermore, who says that the universe is a limited space? That is exactly the issue Einstein faced, and why he introduced the cosmological constant into his energy-momentum tensor; he considered it unreasonable to believe that the universe would come to an end. Only later was it discovered that the universe does indeed seem to be expanding and evolving, making Einstein's ad hoc introduction of the cosmological constant unnecessary.

    Also, in 1999 a paper by physicists Joao Mageijo and Andreas Albrecht was published that goes even further. Entitled Time Varying Speed of Light as a Solution to the Cosmological Problems, it is (currently) a very viable "revision" of relativity theory. Among other things, their theory allows for the spontaneous appearance/destruction of energy in the very early universe, which of course violates the so-called "fundamental" thermodynamic law of the conservation of energy, but adds impetus to the idea of an innately "open" universe.

    No, my fellow physics-fanatic , I'd say the question about a "closed" universe is still very much up in the air. There remains the distinct probability for an endlessly fascinating exploration of the life it contains.


    refs: Physical Review D; Introduction to General Relativity, Discover

  • Swan

    I came to the realization nine years ago that living forever in their Paradise would be a living hell and so I DAed myself. I wouldn't mind sticking around in this world for a long, long time though. I am really very curious to see how it all turns out. How amazing it would be to see where humans have gone in a 100, 200, 500, 1000, and 10,000 years from now! Living forever, however, could be a very monotonous existence after the Earth, the Sun, and eventually the Universe dies.

    Onacruse, I hope those theorists are right.


  • czarofmischief

    I'm still thinking about that eternal blow job. It's almost a Zen concept.


  • anti-absolutist

    If you're bored with life for the 80 years or so that you have it now, I would pretty much guarantee eternity will be boring too.

    If you aren't bored now then you likely won't be, even during eternity.

    This is all theoretical of course. My brain can't comprehend eternity yet, so it is likely still impossible for me.

  • Realist

    hello craig,

    its always great to meet a fellow physics/science fanatic!

    For the purpose of analogy, I spoke in physical terms. In my not-so-clear way I was talking primarily about "the pool of available human experience and knowledge." Experience and knowledge, being non-physical, are not subject to any physical limits of a conservative closed entropic universe.

    hmmm i am not sure about that. in a limited space there is only so much one can do. lets say you are limited to one room of your house than after sveral weeks you will have done everything that one can do in this room. so next you take the whole house, than the whole planet and in the end the whole universe. it will take extremely long to do so but one has infinite time after all. so a limited number of locations, situations etc. divided by infinite time is still zero

    the only possibility would be that either we forget things that happened (so we can relive them again and again and again) or that the universe evolves indefinitely in a way that allows live to continue in an interesting way. according to the 2nd law of thermodynamics that seems impossible however. the universe even if expanding for all times will end in thermodynamic equilibrum.

    i have to say i always favored the big crunch theory (seems so harmonic) but as it looks right now its not gonna happen.

    by the way, have you heard about the "brane" model?


  • Valis

    um Realist...just so you know...Katie wrote that for onacruse...I mean really she had to...onacruse and brane/brain are far from synonymous. *LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Valis, mastering everything? Like golf and women? Hmmm, you got your hands full!

    Guest 77

  • SheilaM

    Yep. I'd be bored. Don't know about you, but I know I would be bored after a hundred thousand years or so!

    Wow! How sad not sure how one can be bored with life. Especially one that had musical aptitude.

    For myself I know Thunder would never get bored with making love<ya baby> would write, read everything I could get my hands on, garden, I would crochet, draw, paint in all mediums, sculpte, learn stained glass, pen and ink, mountain climb travel, scuba dive, ride the Harley everywhere, learn all the languages etc.

  • Francois

    The question contemplates that we make our own plans throughout eternity. This is likely not so. What is more likely is that we have various plans made for us; things that we must learn, accomplishments we must make. Perhaps we will have to go to every sun that has a planet and learn all about that world. Considering just the Milky Way, that's a whole lot of visiting going on. And it's only one idea.

    Likely there's plenty to keep us busy throughout all future time.


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