Since it's very close to the Memorial celebration, I thought that this question might be appropriate. Did you ever feel that you might just want to go to heaven??? Or was your future only an earthly one? Or was it neither?
When You Were A Witness, Did You Ever Want To Go To Heaven?
by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends
"Did I ever want to go to Heaven?"..No, but I wanted to send a few there..LOL!.....OUTLAW
i never wanted to go to heaven as a jw. it was not within the mindset.
now i do hope to go too heaven.
Being raised a JW, i never thought abut it, b/c mine was the "earthly hope". I still think that the original plan for man to live here on the earth, makes sense.yet i did read the Bible, and read about being changed in a 'twinkling of an eye". Of course the jws would have u believe that they are only talking ot bride of christ-which they say most are not. So i don't know.
One thing for sure;if i believe in the heavenly hope, then armageddon and the 1000 yr. reign makes no sense.
so, no i still think living here onthe earth makes sense, but am confused as to how u can reconcile all the teachings in the bible mentioned above with it.
I've known a few people that expressed the desire to go to heaven. As JW's, though, you can't feel like that! The only ones that go to heaven are old anointed ones that have proven their faithfulness over the years. The mere thought that you believe that you just might like it better up there, sends shock waves into the faithful. If you were to persist in the notion that you are heaven bound, you're simply an apostate that will be going into Gehenna, not heaven.
I was always envious going to heaven, I wanted to go to. LIving on earth forever didn't hold to much of an appeal for me. I just didn't know what I was going to do. I mean as a woman, it sounded like a bunch of work. They make it seem like you were going to be fetching water and washing dishes by hand and doing laundry by hand and gardening. I don't really like any of that stuff so I just couldn't understand why when we have all the modern conveniences now we were going to go back to doing everything by hand. It just doesn't make any sense. How are you going to travel. Horse and buggy...great it will take months to go and visit someone. I know I know you have all the time in the world. Who is going to make everything if there are no factories. Who is going to make the material for the clothes. Are you going to grow the cotton and then weave it into maerial and then sew the clothes....again it sounds like a whole lot of work to me. No thanks I want to go somewhere else. If that's all there is than shoot me know and I don't want to be resurrected just let me sleep! Heaven sounds better to me, it's got to be better than that. I use to think maybe there is something wrong with me for not really wanting that.
That's funny lv4fer ..... I was undecided when I was a kid....I wanted to go to heaven (even though I knew I couldn't) because I thought it would be cool to spy on people from the clouds....but the idea of living in a giant kingdom hall in the sky, that scared the hell out of I started thinking it probably wouldn't be that great.
But the idea of living on a cleansed earth was pretty lame too....I still wanted cartoons and cereal from a box...I wasn't really ready to give it all up. I was always hoping that the "end" would be delayed so I could have a little more fun......
Was it not the wish of every good dedicated dubb to be as close to Jehovah as possible?
This would mean that every J Dubb should want to go to heaven. That they are not allowed in is their tough luck.
Their leaders are allowed through the gates of heaven though.
"I want to go to heaven". "Hell no!. You stay downthere."
Me. I have been a dubb from 1969 to 1999. 1999 was the year when it was "enough"
In the 30 years () I have seen the anointed come and go.() It was in 1972 and this guy right next to me takes a swig of wine and breaks and eats the cracker. Duh????????
Now he has left his wife, lives in Amsterdam with another woman and his kids are where?????? Woop ti dooo... Anointed.
Then the other one. What's his name? oh yes Buwalda. Gone with the wind. And then those who think they have a heavenly hope. Let me see I know at least three people and if I get into it more that thought they had a heavenly hope and are now on medicine. Haahahahahaha. That's a good one. In fact I know an elder whom is "anointed" and uses medicine.
Ain't that a laugh. Jehovah can't keep his anointed straight without prozac or something like that. hahahahah.. What a days those were as a dubb.
But it's the demons I tell you, it's the demons.Bunch of schizo's.
One week ago I was revisited by the elders from beautiful Bethel here in Holland. Super!!! If I wanted to come and watch those schizo's eat and drink.
Anyway. Have fun. ......Andy -
While I never really desired heaven, lv4 makes a good point - life on earth in the "new world" might not suit a lot of folks if indeed the trend would be back to the horse and buggy days.
Hey minimus, maybe we should call it "Geheaven"
Guest 77
Nah! Can't play GOLF there. A visit? Yes. Spirit creatures can't enjoy what earthly creatures enjoy, remember the preflood days?
Guest 77