One thing.... 607!
Even though they changed the whole idea of "generation" in 95, I was always thinking to myself "How do they know?" They Bible says 'nobody knows the day or the hour'... and so, I waited or them to realize they should 'stop guessing.' I was going to wait for Jehovah to show them up.
But when I went to a convention (2010? 2011?) and heard about an article that would be coming out to explain this whole thing, I called the Society, talked to a "bro" who said "we really love our brothers, they work so hard" (they do this to distract you, and make you feel bad for asking) and then I finally got it out of him there would be an article on 607 that year (2011)
When my husband & I did the math, read the article, found out that there were business tablets with dates and names of kings on every single page.... that was it. The Society had lied and tried to confuse you by putting in all those bogus questions (could it have been? do we really know? maybe there was another king they didn't write down?, what about the crack in the stone? maybe the weather was bad that night, and they couldn't see the stars) I really, really knew they lied. And they lied bad.
I cried, I could not believe what they did. I saw the light. I saw the pattern in everything they did. Propagandists, confusion-ists, liars.
607, dead and gone!
"Where you will you go?" Somewhere they are not lying.