Are you surprised that there were no terrorist activities in the US since the beginning of the war?
by JH 18 Replies latest jw friends
Actually, yes. Very surprised.
Kansas District Overbeer
Relieved, not surprised.
Terrorists plan things way in advance. What happened on 9/11 was planned many years ahead of time. Maybe they will strike when we won't be anticipating it.
Maybe the government exagerated the terrorist threat, just to justify a strike on Iraq...
No, not really. Ditto what was said before. I'm sure there are plans already established and we will see some soon. Sadly.
I think it's true that a coordinated terrorist strike takes a lot of time to plan. But America has been seeking to force the issues or else get this war started since way back last September or so, when they approached the UN with their concerns about Iraq's violations of UN resolutions. And since then, almost anyone with any bit of foresight knew a war was coming months ahead of time.
: Maybe the government exagerated the terrorist threat, just to justify a strike on Iraq...
Well, they do say that in time of war, TRUTH is the first casualty. I think there have been "strategic" statements from both Washington,DC and Baghdad that don't necessarily reflect the uncluttered truth.
However, seeing that Iraq was in great violation of UN resolutions, and seeing how Iraqi leaders have repeatedly tortured and killed their own people in a most gruesome fashion since Saddam's installation as dictator in 1979, the strike didn't need an "exaggerated threat" to have justification. The justification was already there due to the lawlessness of the regime.
And I am not conviced that the terrorists were behind the 9-11 attacks. I dont know who was but do find it odd that when the passengers on the jets that were hijacked called their loved ones to tell them what was happening, they said nothing about the race of the men who were doing it. I think most Americans, knowing the trouble that we have had in the past with Iran and Iraq, would have mentioned something if the persons responsible appeared to be of middle eastern descent. BTW, I attempted to place a cell phone call from the jet on the way to Florida, and it couldn't be done. I couldn't get a connection from that far up moving that fast. Maybe I had a weak cell phone. I use Cingular.
Guest 77
FDR knew what he was talking about when he said, "In politics nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can BET it was planned that way'.
Guest 77
couldn't get a connection from that far up moving that fast. Maybe I had a weak cell phone. I use Cingular.
My cousin traveles everywhere and he uses his cellphone all the time. When I flew to Las Vegas there was a business man using his phone for a long time. AHHHHHH nothing happens in America without a conspiracy and the backing of the CIA LOL
Yes, I am surprised and then not. My BILaw just went form DEA to HOmeland Security and I know they are stopping alot of things before they happpen. For instance the Iraqui's that tried to charter a boat and had explosives with them. I know everywhere there is such heightened security I imagine somethings were put on hold.