
by JH 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    My cousin traveles everywhere and he uses his cellphone all the time.

    Well, who doesn't use their cell phone all the time?

    Does he use it from the jet, while flying a mile above earth? If he does, I would like to know the name of his cell phone company. I need a better connection.


  • WildHorses

    No, I am not surprised. Just look around you. I've noticed that even where I live and also in the towns surrounding, that there are way more police working than before.

    Knowing that security has been tightened, I doubt the terrorist would try anything at this time. They will wait until things are seemingly back to normal.

  • WildHorses

    Robyn, yes, cell phones can be used while in flight. A friend of mine called me once, while in mid flight.

  • Robdar

    Will everybody (meaning Sheila and WH) please read my statement?

    I couldn't get a connection from that far up moving that fast. Maybe I had a weak cell phone. I use Cingular

    Thank you.

  • WildHorses

    Robyn, no need to roll your eyes. I only responed because you wrote this in response to Shelia.

    My cousin traveles everywhere and he uses his cellphone all the time.

    Well, who doesn't use their cell phone all the time?

    Does he use it from the jet, while flying a mile above earth?
  • Robdar


    Obviously you disregarded the rest of the paragragh:

    If he does, I would like to know the name of his cell phone company. I need a better connection.

    Now then, can you tell me the name of your friend's cell phone company? Pretty please?

    Thank you so much.


  • WildHorses

    Sprint PCS

    Anyway, it isn't the service provider, but the phone itself that gives you a good connection. You get what you pay for.

  • foreword

    From terrorist activity through conspiracy theories through arguing about cell phone "ethiquette"

    Talk about focus......surely we are at

  • AGuest

    Ahhh, how soon we forget... and peace to you!

    Actually, no... I am not surprised at all because I did not expect any such acts, for I never thought the WTC event was a "terrorist" act, per se, as has been touted by the US government/media. Truly, I viewed the event of 9/11 purely as retalitory FOR terrorist acts committed somewhere else in the world by the US, and most probably bankrolled by the WTC or some organization heavily involved in it.

    What many here in the US seem to have quickly forgotten is that there were others HERE, US citizens, in fact, with GREAT concern about the WTC, so much so that approximately 1-2 years BEFORE 9/11, protestors rioted in Seattle, Wash., over something with regard to the WTC. Don't ya'll remember that? No? Of course, not: the government... and thus, the media... quickly squashed that, didn't they?

    True, the attack on the Pentagon may have made it SEEM like an attack against Americans, but I don't believe that was the case: in truth, the attack was against something done under the umbrella of "capitalism/imperialism", which something was backed... by the US and its military. And most it likely involved one to three things and not necessarily in this order:

    1. Oil

    2. US arming... and other covert involvement... of Israel against the Palestinians (who are Arabs/Muslims)

    2. US leaders not happy that Saddam Hussein hasn't "rolled over" for them with regard to agreements made the Iraqi war against Iran.

    THEY armed him... did they not... for THEIR purposes at that time? And then sought to control him. But you can't control a man like Saddam Hussein, dear ones. And they knew it at the time. They created the "monster"... for THEIR purposes AT THAT TIME... not worrying about the consequences down the line, because, of course, the consequences, whatever they may be, would have no effect on them personally. And they did the same thing with Osama Bin Laden. And when these men were doing THEIR (the U.S.'s) "will"... they were lauded as "allies." Now, they (the US and Britain) are killing THOUSANDS... in an attempt to "undo" the mess THEY created.

    Think back, dear ones, to the first attack, in 1991(?). Was it not ONLY against the WTC? But if we are naive enough to think that nothing was done somewhere else in retaliation for THAT... when we are truly among the walking blind. The CIA does NOT take such stuff "lying down!" You all know this! They did SOMETHING in retaliation. And what former President used to be the HEAD of the CIA? Is it not none other than George... H... Bush? And WHO had an attempted assasination on his life? And WHO is in the White House now? Thus, it was only in the SECOND attack, that the Pentagon and White House were included. If there had been even an inkling that either of these were targeted in the first attempt (1991), there is NO way the second would have ever happened. They were not targeted because the issue was not WITH the Pentagon and White House... at that time (did anybody try to assassinate Bill Clinton? Attack the Pentagon/White House during his 8 years in office? The WTC, yes... Pentagon/White House, no).

    62 countries were represented in the WTC. Notice, it was not the "United States Trade Center," but the "WORLD Trade Center." It just so happens that its headquarters, and the building which housed it... was on US soil. And people who do things on US soil are considered among the worst of criminals... no matter what their reason. You can most certainly bet that SOMEONE... from here... retaliated... SOMEWHERE... out there.

    And that is what this entire thing is about: it is not "terrorism", meaning the attempt to instill fear, per se. Rather, the ENTIRE thing is about... returning evil for evil... about reviling when having been reviled.

    Wake up, dear ones... please. The "fight" was not with the American people... but the system(s) the US government either stands for, sets up, puts in place, perpetuates... or protects... "with prejudice" (which I mean in the LEGAL sense, versus the racial sense. They are quite different). Protects, even when such systems... are legally, ethically and morally wrong. I give you the current war. Truly, to many Americans, so long as the "government" says its "right"... then it should be supported. I am amazed that so many forget that at one time the "government" said that slavery... and many other immoral institutions... was "right"... and touted many, including freedom of speech and religion... and women's/children's rights... as "wrong".

    The WTC/Pentagon, etc., was attacked in the way it was due NOT to a disregard for American people in general... but because it was the only TIME that what was done could BE done. If they COULD have done it at 2am when there was NO ONE in those buildings, they would have done so. For the perpetrators of that event, it was the same as for the perpetrators of today's events: there will be casualties. There are always casualities of war.

    And contrary to those who think such was "fighting dirty," that rather than mount a frontal attack that could be readily defended, but rather "hitting below the belt,"... may I remind you of how the American Revolution was won against the British? Do you not recall that the British lost SOLELY because they were ambushed, because the Americans did NOT come out to the battlefield, all lined up like tin soldiers, as the British did? And that the British were astounded and thought such manner of war immoral and unethical?

    Contrary to what we arrogant Americans may thing, the WTC was NOT an "American" institution. It was/is an INTERNATIONAL institution, which just happened to have its headquarters on American soil! Why? For protection, which protection failed. And so, someone's gotta answer for that, don't they? The capitalists behind the WTC wants someone to ANSWER for it, as do the families of innocent who died! And they don't necessarily care WHO.

    Now... the attack on the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City... THAT was an attack on an "American" insitution... on American soil. And, yet, nobody's clamoring for all white males with military/militia background/connections to "disarm." Why? Because the US Constitution grants them the RIGHT to "bear arms" and changing that would mean changing the Constitution. And why was there a need to bear arms? To protect oneself NOT from criminals, per se, but from the US GOVERNMENT! And it is the fact that US citizens CAN bear arms that keeps the US Government from becoming an Iraq: this is the ONLY country in the world where the citizens possess more firearms than the government. The ONLY country.

    But, I ask you: does that same Constitution prohibit the rights of others in the world to bear arms to protect themselves from the US government? Can someone tell me the current status of the US and Britains arsenal of "weapons of mass destruction," and who is it that is going to force THEM to disarm... and how?

    Now, don't get me wrong: by my statement(s) above, I am not FOR guns. I am only stating a truth. For my Lord knows I wished we all lived in a world where such things were not necessary. Personally, I abhor them. But I also abhor knives, swords, arrows and spears, etc., any thing in this world (i.e., planes... that drop bombs; ships... that carry missles)... that can take a life and is used for anything other than utility (i.e., providing food, shelter and clothing, etc.).

    Sigh! Earthling man... what hypocrites we are...

    Anyway, peace to you, and not in the way the "world" gives it (i.e., granting people freedom... by killing them).

    A slave of Christ,


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