is it that paranoid? just step back for a second and consider the embarrassment for the bush admin. if nothing is found. do you really think it is so far fetched that they would try to plant something in iraq to get their justification?
yes, i honestly believe that is a very far-fetched notion. to me, it is tantamount to the "9/11 was planned by the bush adminstration" theories. but paranoia is only a small part of it........
obviously there would be a large amount of embarrassment for the admin. if nothing was far as the admin. is concerned, it is a fact that there are wmd in iraq, and they have no worries or doubts about this possible "embarrassment", as its only a matter of time before they are found. i think the "planting" theories are springing up for obvious reasons......the skeptics are getting a little nervous now that we are actually there, and the possibility of finding these weapons increases by the day. once they are found, much of the criticism directed at this war will become immediately how do the critics counter this possibility? how do they prevent their embarrassment? pretty easy....just squash that story before it happens, and start talking about the u.s. "planting" wmd.
just so you not accusing you of falling into either of these just stating my opinion of the reasons behind this new prevention campaign by the antiwar crowd. if there was any doubt in the administration about the wmd in iraq, then your point would of course be valid. i for one will go on record right now and say that if there were no wmd found in iraq, i would have to seriously rethink my stance on the entire bush administration, and their reasons for war. i saw a poll last night where 58% of americans believe the war is still justified even if wmd are not found in iraq. i am not part of that 58%. the iraqi people will be better off after the war, of this i have no doubt....but this was not the reason we went to war, no matter how hard they try to sell the "liberation" justification to the public.