U.S. Say It May Have Found Iraqi WMD Storage Site

by Yizuman 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Realist


    The French and Germans are going bonkers, because they know we're going to find evidence of their support for Saddam's WMD program. The left predicted disaster in many ways in this war, including the launch of WMDs they said Saddam didn't have, the torching of oil wells, the launching of scuds at Israel, etc. Our forces deserve the credit for stopping the worst case scenarios from happening - and that means credit goes to George W. Bush since we'd all heap the blame on him if things went wrong. Hussein has learned the hard way that this isn't a Bill Clinton half-measure operation like Mogadishu

    that is nonsense...germany is already persecuting individuals that sold forbitten material to iraq. this is nothing the germans would worry about since all nations took part in it. french, german, russian, US companies. it was illegal and not an official action taken by germany or any other state.

    PS: wasn't it Bush sen. who started the somalia mission?

  • Simon

    Sorry dubla. I didn't save the page and it's all been locked away now so I don't have a link.

  • dubla


    ah, on the "other" board, eh? k, np...i just thought that was a pretty "out there" accusation to make based on those comments. i certainly wouldnt personally label them as anti-american at all whatsoever, and i dont think most of the prowar crowd would, just to put my two cents in. we arent all in unison on some campaign against the antiwar side, trying to prove them all unpatriotic and antiamerican......though i think that we get portrayed that way quite a bit.


  • berten

    >...I am confident WMD will be found...

    It turns out that the recent findings are pesticides,
    so we have found WMD's at last!
    Go ask any fly,mosquito or cockroach and they will surely agree that these are
    "Weapons of Mass Destruction"...

  • Simon

    I agree dubla. I think an odd few are like that but it is not tha majority.

    it still amazes me how people are so judgemental of the person based on their opinion of the war. I think both sides have their points and arguments and it really just comes down to which elements each person thinks is most important.

    Nothing is ever clearly black and white.

    Except a Zebra




    oh ... and a penguin



    ... and nuns of course.

  • RandomTask

    Simon, you are not evil just wrong. IMO of course

  • dubla


    in my opinion the war would still be unjustified since there would have been better ways to handle the situation and since hussein didn't post a threat to anyone.

    yes, youve made that clear...and im sure others feel the same way you do, as far as it not being justified either way. there is a large crowd of skeptics though, many on this board, that point to the "lack of evidence" for these wmd as the main reason (or one of the main reasons) that they feel we are unjustified in our military action. as far as hussein posing a threat, i respect your opinion that even with wmd he didnt pose one, although i still strongly disagree with it. it goes back to our whole "he is a madman"/"he isnt a madman" argument, which im sure youll agree we dont need to rehash at this time.

    also i wanted to ask you why you trust the bush admin (or any admin for that matter) so much? it was already proven that several if not most of the "facts" presented by powell to the UN were faked (and in a very bold and poorly done way).

    in answer to your question, first off....i do not trust the bush administration, period. i dont trust politicians, period. do i agree with the bush administration that we have proof of saddams wmd? yes i do, and it has nothing to do the "facts" presented by powell. my mind was made up long before that meeting....and my logic has been, and still is, simple. saddam had them, and admitted as much. saddam couldnt prove that he destroyed them. in my mind, this wouldnt have been that hard to do, as such actions wouldve been well documented, on paper, and probably on video (their disposal that is)......so by simple logic they are still there. the inspectors hadnt finished finding, documenting, and destroying what we knew he had '98 when they were kicked out, and we are just supposed to take his word for it that between '98 and now, hes gotten rid of it all? sorry, doesnt fly with me.

    someone also posed the question: "why the need to play games with the inspectors for all these years if he had no wmd?" a valid question imo.


  • xenawarrior

    dubla- just to clear something up if I can....

    Doesn't this just just prove what I was saying:

    It would be good if they do find them as I think it will make the aftermath and fallout of the war a little easier. However, I will always be skeptical because of the sheer number of times I've heard these "we've got proof" stories which so far have always turned out to be nothing of the sort.

    It's interesting that some people were linking to my comments here as an example of my "rabid anti-Americanism".

    you then asked who and asked for a link.


    Sorry dubla. I didn't save the page and it's all been locked away now so I don't have a link.
    you then responded:

    ah, on the "other" board, eh? k, np...i just thought that was a pretty "out there" accusation to make based on those comments. i certainly wouldnt personally label them as anti-american at all whatsoever, and i dont think most of the prowar crowd would, just to put my two cents in.

    I think there may have been a misunderstanding in this exchange. In all fairness- this:
    It would be good if they do find them as I think it will make the aftermath and fallout of the war a little easier. However, I will always be skeptical because of the sheer number of times I've heard these "we've got proof" stories which so far have always turned out to be nothing of the sort.
    was not referenced on the other board at all. I also did not find the word "rabid" attached to any feeling of anti- americanism. The word wasn't used as far as I could find. I don't find the above statement to be anti- american in any way and I highly doubt any of the troop supporters would either. When I read what Simon said about his "comments here" I took it to mean on this board in general and not that particular phrase. I just wanted to point that out in case there was any confusion. If there was it might cause others to view things differently than they actually happened. XW
  • Realist

    hello dubla,

    i must say its almost scary how rational and peaceful our discussions get

    i think the biggest problem with the WMD accusations are the original numbers posted. how did the US know how much WMD hussein had in 1991? these were made up numbers to begin with. if i accuse you of having 100 grams of VX gas than you are gonna have a damn hard time to prove that you got rid of it

  • dubla


    I don't find the above statement to be anti- american in any way and I highly doubt any of the troop supporters would either. When I read what Simon said about his "comments here" I took it to mean on this board in general and not that particular phrase.

    well, if thats what he meant, his statement doesnt make much sense......read it again, and ill highlight the portion that indicates he must have been talking about that particular phrase, and not just this board in general.........

    It's interesting that some people were linking to my comments here as an example of my "rabid anti-Americanism". They skimmed passed the first bit where I say it would be good if they found them and misread the second bit.

    i thought it was quite odd that anyone would take those comments as antiamerican, which is why i was asking for a link.....simon then said that it had been locked up, and he didnt have a link. now, if he was simply talking about his "comments on the board in general", that couldnt have been "locked up", as he already posted someones statement about his being antiamerican. does this make sense, or am i just confusing the issue now? maybe he was just guessing that they were referring to those particular comments, i dunno. aa

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