Oh. So You're A Seventy-Fiver Then, Are You?

by Englishman 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Does anyone take any responsibility for what happened in 1975? Maybe I should say what didn't happen in 1975!

    I mentioned 1975 to my still devout but not so fundamental JW mum. Know what she said? "Oh, so you're a seventy-fiver then, are you?"

    This was from the same person who had once said:

    "Only 8 more visits left for each householder".

    "We should take out a 25 year mortgage, we will never have to pay for it".

    "Give me a year either way, if you're still here in '76, I will smoke a Woodbine with you".

    "When armageddon comes, will you please remember something? Please will you remember that I TOLD YOU".

    Now, I saw all of this with my own eyes, heard all with my own ears.

    And I`m accused of being an apostate?


  • TheApostleAK

    I call you smart. God will intervene when he thinks it's time. It's not for human's to decide when it's time.

    I'm glad Freddie Franz gave the witnesses a hammering about 75. (Even though he sorta started it.) The R&F were the one's that flogged it. The Org when along with it cos of all the enthusiasm. That's my opinion of it all.

    Your mum's comment's are so typical of wanker JW's out there.

    2004/5 is new date being passed around btw.

  • crossroads

    Sorry AK but 75 came from freddie himself. RF could
    never and would never be able to float a date. freddie
    did not set RF straight until 77 or was it 78 because
    once again he blew it. Needed to shift blame on someone
    just like Adam did.

    New date new date I'm so excited: who's floating this one?
    There was a thread a while back about if there would be
    a new date. They really do need one because of the
    rewards that the society offer to RF.
    1-make it through the great day-eat your wheaties-kiss
    my behind-and live forever
    2-If you die before the great day you and virtually all other
    humans have same reward i.e. no point on living a puritan
    life and being a non paid magizine salesman.
    Thus RF need a date that is with in there life time.
    The society does not care about longevity only about
    selling mags, right now.

    Englishman-my mom sounds a lot like yours. Funny thing
    though my dad was trying to get her to sell our house
    [he owed a lot of money] prior to the JW knock on the door
    in the early 70's.She did not care it was her house to raise
    us kids in and if he had to work 25 hours a day 7 days a
    week so be it .[they were his debts]
    Upon partaking of that grand meal offered at that time
    she agreed to sell the house. She really has not felt
    right ever since-food piosoning takes a long time to
    recover from. She to is not a 75er blames my dad for
    loosing the house, how soon the RF forget.
    Peace and Love

  • slipnslidemaster

    I believe that you are mistaken there TheApostleAK, RAY Franz is the one that gave the GB the hammering for 1975. Because of that, he was kicked out even though he was one of the "annointed" and serving on the Governing Body. It also launched a witch hunt at Bethel (not seen since Rutherford sacked Russell's supporters) which gave us new light definition of "apostate".

    While there isn't a whole lot of printed information "specifically" stating 1975, there wasn't much left up to the imagination.

    1980 was the year that the GB finally had to say "something" about how everyone just seemed to "know" that it was then end and then nothing happened (again).

    The GB DID however give quite a few talks by District Overseers and Circuit Overseers about 1975.

    However, revisionist history once again.

    . o O (slipnslidemaster)

  • bigboi

    Hey All:

    My roommate was raised a jw. His mom had like eight kids and their dad left after he sold some land in Orlando, FL to help support the fam while they pioneered during the 1975 fiasco. He didn't want anything to do with the religion anymore and she basically made him leave really. The woman is also a paranoid-schizophranic. I think this was brought on primarily because of the pressure brought on by raising 8 kids in poverty alone.

    But oddly she also has her way of defending the society about 1975. Whenever she visits and he brings it up she always says "people say nothing happened in 1975, but something did happen, a sifting took place." I wish I knew what issue of thw Watchtower she got that from.
    I mean it sounds just like a line right out of one.

    "..... anyone who ignores everyday reality in order to live up to an ideal will soon discover he had been taught how to destroy himself, not how to preserve himself." The Prince. Niccolo Machiavelli.

  • TheApostleAK

    Slipnslidemaster: Bingo about Ray.

    I don't think Live Everlasting - in freedom of the.... was that incriminating. The talks (one's we don't have no record) of the time were.

    Crossroads: I mean't Fred started the ball rolling and once the GB (with Fred) saw the rise in enthusiasm they jumped in headfirst.

    I was the one who mentioned the date before. I've heard 2 independant sources say 2004/5. I wonder if it's widespread. I think it's based on it being 70 years since sealing of the anointed.

    In addition to that, I remember about 2 months ago that I was fiddling with my calculator and twisting time prophesys to try and get a date that was in the near future (who hasn't done that before) and I somehow got the date 2004. Can't remember how I got it though.

  • NameWithheld

    I thought that 2005 would have been 6000 years since Adam + 30 years before Jesus began him ministry or some such nonsense like that ...

  • TheApostleAK

    NameWithheld: I'm not even gonna touch that one........

  • JW72

    Look everyone the fact remains, THE WTS, GB HAVE FALSELY PROPHECIED which it clearly states in the bible TO STEER CLEAR OF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It doesn't come any simpler than that!!
    There bullturd arguments mean JACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Man, I'm tired o being right!!!!


  • outnfree


    I remember figuring out 2004 years ago by using the day for a year thing and prophecies in Daniel? Can't remember how now.

    HOWEVER, unlike the GB I had the sense to keep my predictions to myself as I knew it couldn't be that simple or everyone would understand it and, besides, Jesus said NOBODY but Jehovah knew the day and hour (and, presumably, the year!).

    Guess I was too humble!!! LOL

    I agree that having a new date would suit the Society just fine. Even better if it's just whispered about and they don't ever have to print anything...

    I missed '75 as luck would have it, otherwise I WOULD have been a seventy-fiver, which means I never would have gotten officially "in" and wouldn't have had to struggle over getting "out"!
    Regardless, let's be thankful that you'n'me

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