Listen to yourselves !

by Hamas 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hamas

    Be Wise :

    Goodbye Hamas, don't expect too many replies again. Even if you try and make a nice smarmy comment in one of the spaces below it will be in vain.

    Are you the forum spokesman already with a grand total of only 35 posts Be Wise ? Wow, better look out for you.

    By the way, I think your acting like a school bonehead
    Brother, you hurt me. . No , really.
  • LyinEyes

    You did, ok. Did you just forget it in one day, the day you decided to lose your religion? Or did it honestly take a little longer than that. Some here havent quiet cut all ties yet.

    I really do wonder and I don't mean this to sound pissy, but why are you at an EX JW site if you have left it all behind?

    Are you here to help others? To let them know that they should move on, and forget it. The ones here are part of the whole ex jw , watchtower thing, if you have left it so far behind you , why do you choose to be around those who are still dealing with the mess?

    I am very curious as to why you would even want to hear all of this stuff, this is not just a regular discussion board to meet people. For some reason you must be drawn to ex jw issues, or people, and in a way that isnt going very far from the Watchtower , and the great exodus of many, IMO. By being here you are subjecting yourself daily to reading many , many WT related topics, again just curious as to the appeal of this place for you.

  • gitasatsangha
  • Yizuman
  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    You yourself are showing hypocrisy by this very statement

    Indeed. How?

    Main Entry: hy·poc·ri·sy
    Pronunciation: hi-'pä-kr&-sE also hI-
    Function: noun
    Inflected Form(s): plural -sies
    Etymology: Middle English ypocrisie, from Old French, from Late Latin hypocrisis, from Greek hypokrisis act of playing a part on the stage, hypocrisy, from hypokrinesthai to answer, act on the stage, from hypo- + krinein to decide -- more at CERTAIN
    Date: 13th century
    1 : a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion

    You have admitted being registered here as someone else at one time. You criticize the people who come to this board and telling us we should just get over it and forget about the Watchtower, therby imputing that you have done so. In making this statement you have set yourself up as having moral superiority, as if somehow we should follow your virtuous example.

    I am what I am. Unlike you, I do not sit in judgment on others. I have never pretended to be someone I am not.

    I do not believe you are interested in other people's feelings or experiences. Your behavior so far strikes me as one who is hard on everyone but himself. I believe you started this thread as a bid to gain attention for yourself.

  • Hamas

    YIZUMAN !! I believe I saw that picture somewhere else but with different language. I think It used to say ' You're a Homo ! ' . Well it works well both ways.


    Did you just forget it in one day, the day you decided to lose your religion?

    No, you are right LyinEyes. I didn't decide to just lose my religion in one hour. It took time. But once I had decided, that was it. For me to continue to pondering over it would be a big waste of time.

    Are you here to help others? To let them know that they should move on, and forget it

    Thats right. The best thing these people can do is vanish the thought of the Watchtower forever. Let me just refer you to an earlier comment I made :

    I feel that this is an excellent way of communicating with other ex JW's so in that way the site should be applauded.

    So I agree with the purpose of this site. It is obviously a great help for those that are dealing with JW issues. But the time comes for everybody to move on. Im sorry to have to pick on Francois, but I recall that he in a previous post said that ' Watchtower doctrine means nothing to him now neither will it ever again' . Yet this is the kind of attitude that made me post this subject. Whats the point of being here when the Watchtower supposably means nothing to you ?

    Big Tex:

    I do not believe you are interested in other people's feelings or experiences. Your behavior so far strikes me as one who is hard on everyone but himself. I believe you started this thread as a bid to gain attention for yourself.

    Im hard on nobody. Im just eager to find out why people continue to visit this forum when their Watchtower crumbled a long time back.
  • SpiceItUp
    Im hard on nobody. Im just eager to find out why people continue to visit this forum when their Watchtower crumbled a long time back.

    Because sometimes even though we are "over" the WTS things happen in our lives that are a direct result of brainwashing etc that happened previously. This actually happened to me. If you really have lurked or had posted a bit under a different name you would know that.

    That and we also are here for the moral support and benefit to those who are not over it. This is to some degree a support forum...who better to help those needing the help than those that have successfully gone through it?

    It doesnt matter if we have been out for 2 months or 20 years....It still affects us in ways you could never imagine.

    There you have your answer now why don't you reveal to us who you really are and what your "real" purpose is.

  • ashitaka

    Listen to myself? Nah, I prefer Pink Floyd.


  • Hamas


    It still affects us in ways you could never imagine.

    Remember I was a Witness like you I know all to well the ways it affects you .

    As to who I really am, this is me, Hamas, you dont need any other explanation. I started this post mainly out of sheer boredom and slightly because the subject had been playing on my mind for quite some time.

    I'd never try to force my opinion on to anybody else, all I want to do is to offer advice like anybody else on the forum.

  • SpiceItUp
    SpiceItUp you are contradicting yourself:

    Im just eager to find out why people continue to visit this forum when their Watchtower crumbled a long time back.
    all I want to do is to offer advice like anybody else on the forum.

    So which is it?????

    You don't need to ask if you already know hy you do it....In fact by your own statements you need to get over it and move on and that means stop posting about it....go ahead prove me wrong I dare you (but you won't cause that would mean you would have to not post anymore and I don't think you can do that)

    Not saying that you aren't welcome but you sure haven't come clean with any of us. Therefore you are exhibiting troll behavior IMO and won't be taken seriously by anyone here until you give us a reason to trust you and that first start to hat would be a little honesty.

    BTW---your apparent boredom post hit on many nerves so obviously you aren't "helping" anyone with you enigmatic posts.

    And I'm done with you as well unless you decide the honest approach---It works much better than starting out telling us "to listen to ourselves"

    Good luck trying to save your name might just want to ditch this name also and start afresh.

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