So sorry Perry, I am expecting the same, unless my dad lives longer... He is not a JW.
I recently got a "sorry for your loss" card in the mail from a JW who I believe still has a heart.. "Apparently," she heard that my mother had died... But, she hasn't... She had "some kind" off a medical emergency... I still don't know what it was.. My sister, who also is "out" found out by accident that mom had taken a spill, but she wouldn't go into detail.. Just, "oh it's nothing"
I called (because of the card) she answered, and became defensive when I told her about it.... "who was it?" "I am fine!"
That was 2 or 3 months ago. I went to her dentist laat week, they mentioned ;w poi w, what a tumble your mom had" She told them more than me....