Realist: By the time most women know they are pregnant that "clump of cells" is moving. and has a heart beat!
As for me I don't want to go back to the time of women dying from self-inflicted trauma trying to induce abortion, so many children were left without mothers.
I have my own personal views on this and feel that heavy couseling should be offered and other options.
I also see so many children being abused and being mistreated and wonder...
But I feel that if there was a move towards personal accountability many things would change. Do I want a child or woman to not have options NO, do I want doctors basically delivering a child and murdering it NO DO I WANT PEOPLE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR SEX LIVES YES
All I know is I was 18 when I had Melanie and never regretted it I miscarried our third child at 3 months and never has forgotten it and then there is my grandbaby who is perfection. But with both my daughter and I we were mature enough to take our situation and make it a good thing not compound it by more immaturity.