Fluffy I know. But tonight I was thinking it must be almost 6 years since Diana was killed in that car crash in Paris, and I was thinking about the outpouring of grief that happened not just here, but around the world. I never was one of the ones that went to London on the day of her funeral as at the time I was flying back from a holiday in Turkey, but I remember it appearing in newspapers out there and people of different nationalities coming up to me and expressing their condolences, particulary this french bloke hugging me whilst I was sitting around the pool a couple of days after the crash!
I wonder if people still remember her with fondness, or if like most events, they fade. I was lucky once to meet her in a museum in London about 1994, in she walked into this huge foyer of the British museum that was virtually empty, with a couple of others and walked passed me, as she did, she stopped and said directly "how are you....having fun?" and with that gave me this fantastic wink with those unforgettable blue eyes of hers.(LOL) Course I was stuck to the spot!!!, then off she went. Contrast this to a visit to our hospital from Princess Anne a couple of years back, all she did with her white gloves on and scraped back hair (like she just got off of a horse) was look totally dis-interested as she moved up the line asking each of us "Are you local" etc etc...
So I guess I was a bit sold and mesmorised by Diana,. What do you think? ...was she a force for good? or just a manipulator?