Dearest Minimus... peace to you... and
"Jehovah's Witnesses" are... just people. No more, no less. You will find the same things among them that you find among all other sorts of people... and particularly among most mainstream religions: kind, not-so-kind, "good", bad, honest, dishonest, rich, poor, charitable, selfish, loving, hypocritical.
Now, the people that they FOLLOW... those whose rhetoric, propaganda and teachings are "pushed" as TRUTH... and their "agents"... THEY... are evil. Pure-D. Why? Because although they, too, exist in sin, they judge and condemn others as if they do not!
And a hypocrite is about as bad as one can get, save a blasphemer. For a HYPOCRITE will make his/her "fortune"... whether in mammon (money)... or glory from men... by means of the "houses" they "rob" by means of such hypocrisy... those of the fatherless, the elderly... and the innocent. For THEY say:
"I am/we are BETTER than you, and so deserve MORE than you... so that what YOU have... you should give to ME/US. For YOU, sinner that YOU are... don't DESERVE it... but I/we DO... and so God will be well-pleased with YOU... if you give it to ME/US... you unclean thing, you!"
My Lord knows, such folks give me the... nevermind.
Again, peace to you!
A slave of Christ,