Hi Everyone,
Since it's about that time of year, I have a new article on my site about the resurrection. It's at: http://www.towertotruth.net/is_jesus_dead.htm
See what you think.
Tower Man
by Tower Man 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hi Everyone,
Since it's about that time of year, I have a new article on my site about the resurrection. It's at: http://www.towertotruth.net/is_jesus_dead.htm
See what you think.
Tower Man
Nice Site!!
Consider this. It has run thru my mind. Jesus died for us so that we could have everlasting life. So that we would not know death.
John 5:24..."He who hears my word and believes him who sent me HAS eternal life and will not be condemned...he has crossed over from death to life."......(notice the present tense...(has)..)
Jesus came to save us from what?????? DEATH!!
Witnesses believe that we do indeed die.......and at a later date we come to life again. If that is so, than Jesus did not save us from death because we still die.
Jesus said..."I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me WILL LIVE, EVEN THOUGH HE DIES, and whoever lives and believes in me WILL NEVER DIE."
So we live even though our bodies die.
The reality is...there may have been a man named Jesus who was a good and rightous man who set and lived by principals that were good for man.
The real question is......did people after him begin to make up stories about a man who didn't fullfill the role of their awaited messiah who was killed and didn't change things for them as they hoped he would? There is an abundant amount of information on the web about how his life was identical to god ...BEFORE him.
Your reasoning is right on. He supposedly died for our sins for all those who would believe. I always wondered when I was a dub what the annointed died from? I was taught they were free of sin, had a token given to them already for everlasting life, their sins were not counted against them and so on.
My question was.....what did they die from if their sin.....which is supposed to be what the reason for dying is.....was washed clean? If they were now sin free......they should be as was Adam and Eve when they were perfect and should not continue to die.
It was about spirit - Jesus spoke about spirit - the bible speaks about spirit - the wt talks about people's bodies.
Spiritually dead is when the flesh kills off the spirit.
Lepers (hypocrites) are on the way to death - there's a whitish appearance and the living flesh appears - some never get it - some are cured - must be a miracle.
Hi Towerman,
I haven't spoken to you in some time. I hope you are well. I liked your link. I never really thought of it that way....Michael was raised from the dead, of course that must be what they teach. I never heard that said though. I doubt any jw has heard those words either....
I always wondered IFJesus' body didn't rise and IF his spirit was only his breath, therefore his breath didn't rise......IFhis soul was the same thing and his body and his body didn't rise. It always begged the question for me.......well, what part of him was resurrected then? It only makes perfect sense that Michael was raised and not really Jesus.
Recently, I had the opportunity to ask my jw mom why she didn't believe that Jesus' body rose. Her answer shocked me! She said and I quote, "Well of course Jesus body rose, and he will return the same way. That's what the apostles were told when he was carried up into heaven." unquote. I think my mom is a bit confused about wt teachings. I tried to tell her about the teaching that Jehovah supposedly disposed of Jesus' body but she told me that I must have had strange teachers then because she never heard any such thing. Hmmm. When I tried to "reason" with her......she angrily informed me that I will never convert her. Yup, a very strange conversation. I was at a loss. I wonder what the wt makes of women like her.
I've also had a conversation about the mediatorship of Jesus. She declared that He is her mediator. I gave her some references in wt books to look up where it says the opposite. She looked them up and became confused enough to inquire. After a long lunch with the elders and 2 other family members, my mom informed me that they said that Jesus is her mediator, just not in the 'strictest sense'. I asked her what that meant and she blurted out that Jesus is HER mediator and that's that. I'm just wondering if I may have a future apostate on my hands? She is under extreme duress right now with my dad being so ill and her sister just died. She was just diagnosed with stress induced asthma, so I don't ever try to overload her. Pray for her, will you?
As always, thanks for your post. I always enjoy them. Love in Christ, dj
Really enjoyed that article! I'm going to print it out and put it in a reference file. Thanks so very much.
Gumby has good questions. It is SO EXTREMELY important to be sure that one is not believing in simply an exaggerated story (a legendary hero) when it comes to Jesus. It takes a lot of careful thinking and a bit of research to see why the testimony of the disciples about Jesus is valid.
Let me refer anyone who is struggling with this question to the book, "Who Moved the Stone?" by Frank Morison. This is a bit thick-reading, perhaps, for some readers. A more simple, straightforward book to read is "More Than a Carpenter" by Josh McDowell (kind of funky writing, though--tone is for 1970 highschoolers, I think. Still, overall a decent book.). McDowell also wrote "Evidence That Demands a Verdict", which is more like a huge outline than a regular book. ...CS Lewis' "Mere Christianity" doesn't deal so much with the physical evidence as the logical/philosphical look, but is such a spectacular read. These authors are all converts from atheism--and there are a lot more out there, so you can find SOMEthing to read--even if you don't agree with it, at least to understand what the best Christian apologetics out there are, for the particular question you have...
BTW my husband is an example of an ultra-agnostic-turned Christian. 20 years back, it took him about 3 years of reading and research, and he had a full-blown crisis of concience in the end. He actually read these and many other books very, very carefully and skeptically. The end of the first year, he had to admit that the Bible was a reliable source (even if he didn't believe anything in it). By the end of the second year, he had to admit that the resurrection of Christ was a better conclusion than his own previous beliefs about Jesus. Finally, after the third year, he quit struggling, put up the white flag and submitted himself to God in Christ--which is what logically follows if Jesus is understood to truly be Lord.
Good information is one of the best things out there. The internet is a blessing--but make sure you don't end up believing tabloids. My motto is to not be afraid to "trade up" if I get watertight info.
Hi Everyone,
I enjoyed reading all your posts. They were very insightful and encouraging. I would like to address a thought from Gumby:
'The real question is......did people after him begin to make up stories about a man who didn't fullfill the role of their awaited messiah who was killed and didn't change things for them as they hoped he would?'
The simple answer is this. If the early Christians began to make up stories about Jesus and promulgated false teachings to the world, why would they subject themselves to brutal torture and death for a lie. Anyone in their right mind, even a liar, wouldn't die for it. Surely, one of the 12 would have broken down amidst torture and told the truth. None did.
Thanks again for reading my article.
Hey DJ. We'll keep praying for your Mom. Seems like you're right. You have a pre-apostate on your hands!
Tower Man
Hi Tower man,
Why would people die for a psuedo faith you ask?
Have you re-searched how many christians were really persecuted? Have you read of the reason WHY they were ....of those that were.
Actually your picture is backwards. Take a look at what the christians did to an entire belief system that was around before they spread their venom.
Below is a way long list of attrocities performed by christians.....the poor people you say were victims of persecution for their strong faith....and yes I know....god didn't want them to do what they did. You will say the TRUE christians didn't act that way, and that may be true......at first.
As I suggested.....do a little re-search on the early christians. Below is a long boring list for those who want to note a few things.
Christ Porn!Naked Cathars expelled from Carcaonne |
He's not dead, just mostly dead. There's a big difference between dead and mostly dead.....This is about as funny as those who say a person isn't really dead when they are hit by a truck, they are just now invisible and mute and powerless to assist the living......ie. mostly dead.
My various observations about unchristian "Christian" historical events--events that continue in various places and aspects up to this day, BTW, and didn't just end around 600 or 1200 AD...
After Constantine "converted"(?), he forced the conversion of his empire at knifepoint. Where is that Biblical? The fact that Christians sin big is no news; if such acts were approved or commanded by Christ, then that is where we are at a loss. You'd really have us in a corner.
Syncretism vs. Christianity. Folks who "convert" (esp. at knifepoint) basically throw their new "god" Jesus onto their existing paganistic framework. A new religion is born out of the old and the new, but gets called Christianity. For example, years ago I saw a documentary about a mountain village in Bolivia, where the local gods got replaced by the Virgin and various patron saints, one per village in the area. The locals will get falling down drunk for days during a festival to celebrate their patron saint. They considered themselves devout Catholics, even as they engaged in other blatantly immoral behaviors during these festivals. The truth here is that they have just renamed their gods with Christian ones, and more or less continue in their old paths, with a few new rituals thrown in. But Christians and Syncretists often live side-by-side. Perhaps there really were Christians in there; I don't know each person there--only God does.
(The New Testament is packed with warnings by Jesus about false teachers and false Christians. He said you'd know who's who by their fruit. Jesus said the field that was sown with wheat also got sown with tares (weeds) by the enemy. They are in the same field, and they both are supposed to be wheat... but tares are certainly not edible. (Matt 13:24-30) )
God knows whether the individuals involved thru history are His or not. The mystery is why He allows such blasphemy. Then I reflect: I. myself. am a very bad Christian! I am still quite selfish, and daily struggle to let go of trying to do things my way. It is my hope not to be one who dishonors God's name, but I think it's already too late! And now, how in the world can I undo my past?? History is convicting, not so much for those other people mentioned, but for ME. There are several people that should have turned from Christ on my account. Miraculously, one is now a Christian, despite me.
God's grace to me is great: I am a Christian, though (honestly) a very poor one.
And God's grace is big enough to bridge the gap between my poor example and His own, and somehow bring other people to understand and know Him, despite the worst of Christians. Truly, I don't understand God here at all, but I do really love Him for the constant flow of mercy to me, and to others despite me.
Jesus is alive, even though I'm a bad Christian. Jesus' resurrection didn't logically depend on me. And Jesus is alive, though others have been poor/false Christians. His resurrection didn't logically depend on them.
So, in my opinion, a historical argument based on bad Christian behavior doesn't give the harsh blow that some think it does. It is a red herring--a distraction from the real argument.
If anyone really wants to disprove Christianity, s/he'll have to go for the jugular, and not the red herrings.: If Jesus is DEAD, then no matter what kind of good points there might be anywhere in Christendom, it's completely false. If Jesus is ALIVE (sorry, no inbetweenies like sleepytime-death/Michael-the-archangel-body exchanges/whatever), then all the atrocities committed by Christians--both real and imagined, by me or evil popes--won't prevent Jesus from coming again. (Remember, there was also a wicked slave mentioned right after that F&D slave...)
That is the trunk of the tree. Whoever wants to get to the end of this matter: chop it down at its naked trunk, instead of pruning some upper branches. Put your 'best ax' up against this most critical part of the tree. (I hear whetting stones!)