A little weird experience ....

by Brummie 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Brummie

    During my exit from JWs, I was totally confused and continued doing field service just incase it was "the truth", one day I remember going into a block of flats, sitting on the stair well holding my head and praying to Jah asking him if I was displeasing him by researching the WT and doubting it all. I said in my prayer that I was sure I had lost Jahs blessing (durrr) and could he confirm his disproval of me by not allowing me any success on the service. That day I placed 32 magazines on the service!! I was more confused than ever...lol

    Funny how these things stick in the mind.

    Anyway this experience taught me that the WT teaching that Jah only rewards those who are faithful to his organisation was a load of bunk.

    I now feel a twit for sitting there praying this anyway

    Did you still go on service when you had big doubts?


  • simplesally

    So, Brummie, do you mean you now don't believe in God or that you feel silly for praying about the organization you were in?

  • Brummie

    Praying about the organisation Sally, like God was never in it anyway and it was crazy to think he was judging me on the basis of my questioning a false prophet

  • Elsewhere

    LMAO! So funny... basically you asked Jehovah to prove to you that the WTS was wrong by misinforming as many people as possible.

  • Brummie

    Elsewhere, truth is stranger than fiction huh! Funnier still, a few months later I went back to all these people on the territory and apologised. Stranger still was the reaction of my Bible studies when I went back and told them I had dis'assed and didnt believe it was "the truth", one bloke I had studied with for 3 years said he was never interested anyway he just didnt have the heart to tell me! lol, what a waste of time! Still I'm thankful he wasnt interested, another person I studied with froze on the spot at my d'a and I believe is a JW now.


  • wednesday


    i once had an experience where i was working in a moblie home park. Everytime i got to a dooor, the wind blew so hard, it blew my mags and tracts away. it followed me through the entire place. the sis working with me thought it was the demons.Doors also blew open and frightned the sis working with me. I just thought it was a windy day.So it got around the cong. that the demons followed me around in service. hard to believe.

  • wednesday

    also. i was once in a distressed state of mind. I prayed that the very next brother to speak to me would give me jehovah's thoughts on matters.. turned out to be a bro who hated me with a passion. he told me that jehovah had shut his mouth and was preventing him from saying what he really wanted to. i truly was going to accept whatever the next bro said to me as coming from jehovah. Jehovah shut this mans mouth.

  • nowisee

    these stories at first seem sooooo funny.

    then i thought, wow, they played so many mind games on us that they taught us to play mind games on ourselves!

  • DJ


    Hi. I like the way that you went back later and apologized to the people in your territory. You probably had a more profound effect on their lives by doing that than you will ever know. God does work in mysterious ways....dj

  • BluesBrother


    Did you still go on service when you had big doubts?

    Sure. I am not proud of that fact now. But after a lifetime of "Active service" it takes a time for the flywheel to stop turning. Like when you turn off a fan and the blades keep turning even though turned off from any kind of motivational power. I suppose it proves that my service was a formalism anyway.

    I told myself it was for family reasons and I had to prepare an exit gradually, perhaps I lacked your courage. I admire your going back to Bible Students.

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