Wierd KH property arrangement

by Simon 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • SolidSender

    Waiting, good hearing from you again.

    Firstly if I may say so in response to your statement:

    Unless your picture is ancient - which I don't think it is, I remain doubtful that you would have an "enormous amount of experience" in the area of identifying and combating mind control. No doubt, being a JW gives experience, but that usually takes years, if not decades, - and usually an adult perspective to look in hindsight as to the impact upon your and your family's life.

    This seems a rather broad generalization to me.
    My opinion is that proclivities within people vary on an individual basis. How would you explain prodigies then?

    More stuff I want to discuss with you I’ll catch you on the other threads we’ve been following. (if I can locate it) .

    See you there-SolidSender

  • SolidSender

    Waiting – as you know there are people here who push my “aggro” buttons as to why I’ll use the xandit example. Please consider it:

    I do not believe that a persons knowing more about the property acquisition methods of a New York based publishing company (the WTBTS )

    1) has anything to do with christianity
    2) makes that person more equal before god and christ than myself
    3) that an accurate knowledge of those WTBTS property acquisition procedures will contribute to my spirituality.

    Unless there’s scriptures in my bible that are missing.

    In my humble opinion the profundity of christianity lies in a comprehension of it’s simplicity not the complex legalisms of a New York based publishing company.

    If you wish to subscribe to that brand of christianity, if you really believe it’s as hard as people like friend and xandit would have us believe then that is your perogative. I don’t.

    I also have no interest in wasting my breath on people like xandit & friend whose minds, in my opinion are filled with nothing but second hand ideas hell bent on suppressing tolerance.-SolidSender

  • waiting


    If you will look back to the question about KH property acquisitions, Simon started the thread with this very question. Absolutely nothing was brought up about Christianity! I and Frenchy then answered with comments, again about property buying and selling - not religion! Then Xandit, responded in a closed fashion - about buying and selling KH land - not about a religious situation!

    To my recollection - you had nothing, absolutely nothing, to add to this discussion in the form of information. You just slammed Xandit. I think Frenchy and myself were able to get our own points across. And then Xandit answered us - and that was that - until you started fuming against the evils of the WTBTS and Friend and Xandit......

    Have you ever communicated with Xandit - here or otherwise? Upon the first post you made to Friend, you were slamming him. You added nothing to the discussion he and I were having.

    You say that everyone has freedom on a forum. That is true - but it was a cool thought that Simon had. We have a civil forum here.

    Perhaps, your "buttons" need to find another direction for their anger......


    Edited by - waiting on 13 July 2000 21:30:42

  • Friend

    To All

    Xandit is correct in his/her representations regarding ownership of Kingdom Halls in the United States.

    Here are just a few interesting facts for your reading pleasure:

    Re: Interests on loans from the Society

    A letter from the Society dated 11/1/99 addressed to "ALL BODIES OF ELDERS IN THE UNITED STATES" states, "Effective October 1, 1999, the rate of interest applied to any Kingdom Hall financing in the United States was reduced to 3%. All new requests for assistance from the Society Kingdom Hall Fund will be at the new rate. For those congregations that currently make repayments, their payments will now be applied as the new rate."

    Re: Kingdom Hall ownership

    Interestingly the Society has redressed this issue directly with local elder bodies as recently as 4/1/00 in a letter to them. That letter presented no real change but rather it reiterates what Xandit has already represented, that congregations retain ownership of Kingdom Hall property through one of two means, either 1) a trusteeship appointed by the congregation or 2) a corporation formed by the congregation. That quite lengthy letter (including enclosures) again spelled out quite clearly that local congregations retain ownership of Kingdom Hall property.

    Of course, if property is financed by the Society then leans are held accordingly, that is until any outstanding loans are repaid in full.


    It is flabbergasting that you [url= http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=551&site=3]yet[/url] have insolence enough to hurl snide accusations against personalities on this forum after your own [url= http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=527&page=2&site=3]childish and ignorant display[/url] regarding language used on another thread. A display, I might add, that has yet to be reckoned with by the instigator, you. Only one word comes to mind, and I think you know what that word is, that is, if you have progressed beyond that pocket dictionary of yours. When will you learn?

    Can anyone possibly take your perceptions seriously after you having demonstrated an utter lack of discernment for determining legitimacy of even the simplest of word usage? Can anyone take personal perceptions seriously coming from a person that refuses to realize (or admit) their own error after erroneously criticizing others on the very same question of correctness? What do such demonstrations tell you about the person doing them? Just what is your perception of such a person?


  • waiting

    Well, Hey Friend,

    More eloquently put than my thoughts, but nicely done. Decided to jump over to the Main Forum, huh? Welcome.


  • Xandit


    Thanks for your confirmation.I don't see what's supposed to be so scary about you.


    I see what you mean about SS. I wouldn't say he's frightening though. More an object of amusement, I suppose that's cruel but he is funny.


  • Friend


    I don't see what's supposed to be so scary about you.

    Nor do I.


  • waiting

    Well, hi guys,

    Glad to see you both. I'll leave it at that for now - unsure how to continue with you two.


  • Xandit

    I know this is off topic but I'm a little curious about what you're are 'waiting' for?

    I suspect you and I are in a similar position. Perhaps Friend is as well.

  • waiting

    Hey Xandit,

    I really don't know why that's my chosen name. I only go by one name. I think there are two reasons, both rather off-the-wall, and only came to fore in my postings.

    1. I don't want to jump too fast from the WTBTS - I've been a JW for 30 yrs. Guess I'm waiting to see what I learn and what's going to happen. Until about 3 mo. ago, I had never been on the Internet. Never looked at material about the Society, had no interest in doing so. Finally, due to a personal business transaction handled really badly by our body of elders and Society, I started looking to see if anybody else had a similiar experience who could give me some advice.

    I had no idea so many people didn't like the Society. Until I chose to look around, I saw nothing - now I'm trying to figure it out, as best as possible. I'm waiting to see if the true religion really exists.

    2. If you read any back posts, I've kept no secret that I've had a really lousy childhood - and a personality disorder as a direct result. We used to be called split personalities. Then multiple personality disorder, now disociative identity disorder, and some professionals don't even believe we exist. My system is not very active, I'm really quite normal......

    I'm waiting for everyone to decide if I exist or not.

    And about yourself? Would be nice to continue with you.......

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