well I am impressed how qiuck you answer, lliving i front of the computer?
Amazing isnt it here can you and mee discuss diffrent things aboutr our religion,even if we are seperated in 1000 miles, never couldibeleive this a few year ago, i think some have not understand the power fron the net, inn my hole life we have info from the podium nowan was qestion it, suddenly we can check the info, wery dangerus fore some.
Internet the biggest revolution fore mankind and the man on the floor, can you imagen when i tell my elders that this and this will hapend andthey say never,nad sudenly it happend, like this pedofile stuff,some in the cong say tome ithappend exatly as you was telling,some dont like this at all,they are use to have the info only fore them selfs.
I have new info now to tell my former elder freinds, i was reading that we have by 10 bigg printing maskins fore a very bigg sum on german stock site.
And then I read that we have ask fore bying bigg areas in patterson, Ilove to see the face from them when i tellthis and it show upp 6-12 mont later in a letter from GB.
When it comes to children in JW idont agree widh you at all, somte time you sound like you have been a old laydy blondie,we have this typ in our cong ,they was always compling to the kidds, even if they only moved a littel bit, I think you see what you want to see, and i have 40 years of expiriens.
Perhaps I am unusaual my latest kidd is seven, so you see i must stay young.
widh love from HM