Scooby-Your love fest is now over. Go back on Sunday and tell the elders you have been hanging (just for fun) on an Apostate Website (AW) and see how much *love* you are shown.
Well scooby, you have to remember that your in a forum filled with xjw's. If they didn't leave the org, then they were booted out for one reason or another. Ifyour not an xjw with the obligatory "here's my story" then be prepared to be shunned and ridiculed here. It's all part of the game. Most here despise the jw religion and try desperately to integrate back into "normal society". That's why many begin to celebrate all the holidays and re adjust back to into "wordly-mode" Ultimately, they assume it's easier to burry the pain and then re-establish a link with the world. Reading some of the "experiences" of some of the posters on this forum you have to wonder whether they ever had any real faith in Jehovah or was it more of a faith in the org itself. When I started reading posts about being pro-war, joining the military, taking up smoking and all other forms of debauchery that's when I realised that any faith in jehovah that these people may have had all but disappeared long, long ago. I suggest you stay on this forum, scooby. It's interesting to read and understand what your NOT missing by dumping your faith in Jehovah.
Ah, another one who is here to *save* us perhaps?
Frankly, integrating into *normal* society (You acknowledge the dubs are not normal) is very easy. You go about your life and you don't have some old, wrinkled, casterated dumb-Fucx telling you how to live your life. Try it. You will like it. Especially the oral sex. Much more fun than *missionary*.
Faith in Jehovah or faith in the org....what a choice. How about neither. As noted above, the wrinkled old men in Brooklyn, telling average people how to live the most intimate details of their lives is insane. If you must pledge your allegiance to the borg in order to be accepted, something is wrong.
Debauchery---Please look the word up and understand what it means. There is a wonderful book, called a dictionary, that might help you.
BTW, I like being debauched. It's fun.