I woke up to a banging on my door and much to my surprise, it was a police officer. He proceeded to tell me that my car was damaged. I was thinking, "Great, someone must've busted out a window or slashed my tires." In my mind it was surely something minor. When I went outside, I was horrified to see the entire driver's side smashed and mangled. Apparently, at around seven that morning a drunk driver slammed into the side of my car.
Let me tell you the funny part: The guy that hit me has his insurance through the same company I do. Do you realize what that means? It means that I'll get as little as possible! I owe $12,000, but the car is only worth about $9,000. But they'll most likely give me $6,000. So if they give me what it's worth, I'll not only owe $6,000, but I won't even have a car to show for it! It's totaled beyond repair so that's not even an option.
So why is this such a big deal? I am supposed to be moving in 6 weeks (cross-country)!! This is not possible w/o a car. I was moving because the university that I now attend doesn't have the proper degree program, and the University of Central Florida does. Now, we won't be able to move for an indefinite amount of time.
I am so upset right now. I already have a job and a place lined up in Orlando, and I can't even get there. My credit is not very good, so getting another car will be extremely hard. I just don't know what to do.
My future depends on me getting out of this sh*thole city. I can't accomplish what I need to here. And please, don't anybody say, "It just seems bad now, but things eventually work out." In my case, I'm done with all of my basic courses, all I need are specialty courses for my major. WSU, my current school, can not help in this regard, so I need to transfer. If I take a break, I'll start getting billed for my financial aid loans. I can't afford that, plus a car payment on a car that's totaled, PLUS the new car I'll have!!!
This isn't fair!! I don't know what to do?!?!
Thanks for letting me rant.