Pete this was 2 years ago.
I saw that last night lol. It came up as a "latest" thread for some reason. I also hope all is well with the poster.
by MrHappy 25 Replies latest members private
Pete this was 2 years ago.
I saw that last night lol. It came up as a "latest" thread for some reason. I also hope all is well with the poster.
If you are searching for relief from anxiety and a midlife crisis, the WT organization is not the place to find it. Their representatives, the elders, are not qualified to handle mental crises. Their solution is study the bible but only with their publications and a jw teacher, pray incessantly, and attend their meetings, and be baptized as a jw. Believe, me many jws and non-jws and ex-jws tried that or are trying that and have not found relief.
If you needed to be treated for cancer, you would not go to a jw elder, you would seek a properly trained and experienced doctor.
More importantly, their level of control will cause more anxiety and create a lifelong crisis.
Blondie, been there, done that
MrHappy started a new topic yesterday. It would be nice to know how it worked out with the anxiety and his wife's proposed elders meeting.
That is a good point why bringing up an old topic that has not been posted on for awhile (posted on not by the OP), creates problems. I missed that it was an older topic.
The elders themselves should be quick to acknowledge, they can only offer “spiritual” help as they are not Doctors. Tell your wife you do not think you have a “spiritual” problem but one more of depression or anxiety.
In fact, it might be good to actually see a Doctor. May be suffering from something relatively minor that could be very treatable.
Good luck. I appreciate the kind words you express about your wife’s love and support. Be sure you tell HER how grateful you are to be with her.
Well....I just got to last page of this thread and see my wise counsel was needed 2 yrs ago!