John Aquila - "What other shenanigans can we expect to see in the next 2 years?"
The liquidation of all the under-construction WT-owned properties that halted last month?
by John Aquila 94 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
John Aquila - "What other shenanigans can we expect to see in the next 2 years?"
The liquidation of all the under-construction WT-owned properties that halted last month?
~ A provision to make credit card donations to directly to Watchtower, through a button on jw.borg.
~ Rank and file publishers being asked to create a user account on jw.borg by signing up with their full name, country of residence, the name of their congregation and a special, unique publisher code given to them by the service overseer in the congregation. That way, Watchtower can authenticate that the person signing up is a true active JW.
By having JWs establish such user accounts, Watchtower can keep downloadable versions of in-house publications like the Organize book and the study editions of the Watchtower away from public access and make it available only to JWs who log in. They can also make it so that new convention releases are not available for publishers to download unless their congregation has already had the convention. Maybe it would also give JWs an avenue to report their field service directly without having to go through an elder. That would free up elders to do the more important things like having more regular shepherding calls to sniff out doubters and apostates.
I also believe that they will also start doing more and more video productions of meeting parts - especially talks. That way, they can better contend with the shortage of brothers and elders. They're going to try to make the paper-work less for the elders, freeing them up to exercise more shepherding control on the members.
With all the propaganda they've been producing for the children lately, I fully expect it to expand. Probably a lot more pressure for kids to get baptized too. Don't be surprised if in the next couple years there is a feature length Caleb and Sophia movie released at one of the conventions.
I think more and more videos will replace talks and meeting parts until that's over 50% of the meetings. At that point they will probably have some type of live telethon/money bomb fundraiser where publishers can make donation pledges to "keep the monthly broadcasts going".
Rank and file publishers being asked to create a user account on jw.borg by signing up with their full name, country of residence, the name of their congregation and a special, unique publisher code given to them by the service overseer in the congregation. That way, Watchtower can authenticate that the person signing up is a true active JW.
That is exactly what they don't want. They want any direct responsibility or oversight of the publishers to be handled by their henchmen. They really don't care if someone gets the "JW Only" materials. They care about the "Elder Only" materials. They don't care about the publishers as individuals, they only care about them as collective groups.
I could envision them changing the names of the magazines. (Awake has undergone 2 name changes). Something more modern and that would give the publishers something new to be distracted by. They could also charge congregations or circuits a fee and then visit and interview select publishers and have it appear on their TV channel or something like that.
Just like they charge back the cost of the COs visit they could find a way to get more money in exchange for more exposure on their website. Or maybe they will find a way to give a title to someone who gives a tithe so they will be called a modern day Nazarite or something else and then they can highlight that not everyone can give 10% of their time to be a pioneer but they can give 10% of their income and be something else. (Just like they had something for construction workers.)
Don't be surprised if in the next couple years there is a feature length Caleb and Sophia movie released at one of the conventions.
You mean like Star Wars and the return of the Jedi/Sophia
Or maybe they will find a way to give a title to someone who gives a tithe so they will be called a modern day Nazarite