they were ripping us off weren't they?
Big Time!
by John Aquila 94 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
they were ripping us off weren't they?
Big Time!
If the GB, WAS to get rid of the door to door preaching, and institute tithing, and completely do away with the Watchtower mags, that would be foundationally earth shattering. MANY, MANY, will question, and awake, and be wondering, "what is going on with the org i ONCE new".
Those changes, specifically, would change manys mindset, because, those were things that the GB, has said for over 100 years, were the "proof" that they were the "chosen" org of Jehovah.
Going DOOR to DOOR, for years has been proclaimed as, "fullfilling bible prophecy" with Mathew 24:14. The tithing, is what the nation of Christendom does, and "we will never do this", has been toited over, and over, again by the WTS, as "proof" of the orgs "inspiration". The Watchtower magazine, is the "stinging scorpion", that will "expose" Christendom, thats what the GB has been saying for years, and as being proof of bible prophesy, fulfilling Revelation.
If they were to make the above, fundamental, changes, it would further undermine them as being an "inspired" organization. I actually hope they DO make those changes. It would show them for being so hypocritical, and full of shit, like many of their other false prophesies. Yes, there will still be some that will just sit there and nod their heads, like the brain washed idiots they are, BUT, beleive me, changes like doing away with door to door, instituting tithing, and doing away with their "flagship" magazine, WILL shake things up, and wake up many.
John Aquila, or anybody really, when I was younger (in the good old days) I used to volunteer at every assembly serving teas & coffee, everyone used to buy tickets at the congregation from the elders, Like $1 = 1 ticket, & so 2 tickets gets you a coffee. I remember 100`s of those tickets going through my hands. Do you think that they were making a profit out of that, charging more for the tickets than was necessary? only there was no choice, no ticket no drink. I remember we all thought how wonderful it was that these things were all being taken care of before hand but now I think about it what difference would it have made, 2 tickets or $2. they were ripping us off weren't they?
Of course they made money on the food. They bought cheap food in enormous quantity, used all volunteer labor and had a captive customer base for the product. They had to give it up because the IRS realized that they were operating a profit making food business. They tried the no-charge-but-hope-people-pay-with-donations, that didn't work, so they stopped food service. There was just no way to make sure that people donated enough for them to make a profit.
I don't believe they will ever give up the door to door work, although they may stop paying living expenses for the special pioneers. They don't care if people waste time knocking on doors, it costs them nothing and they don't give a rat's a## about the personal lives of the pubs, and besides, they are still getting recruits in some countries, they won't give that up. They may change the focus to things that are more profitable, like the carts, but they will not stop door to door, that would raise too many questions.
Maybe a few years down they will pass a resolution that everybody turn in the minimum hourly requirement or be removed as a publisher. If you go a consecutive 6 months without submitting a time slip membership is revoked and an announcement is made you are no longer a JW.
"Don't commit the blood guilty sin of not preaching, brothers!" Instead become blood guilty by letting someone you love die by refusing a transfusion.
Prob won't happen but if it did would be fascinating to watch the whole thing play out and see how different brainwashed fence sitters and faders would react.
I do see the preaching work, as we knew it, will be something of the past. This is the year of the Internet and the cart. As early as '95 they have been saying that Matthew 24:14 has been fulfilled. See quote below.
w95 9/1 16: Looking forward especially to our time, Jesus said: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:10) Has this prophecy been fulfilled? Indeed, it has. From a small start in 1919, the preaching of the good news has now been extended to more than 230 countries. The witness is heard in the frozen North and in the steaming tropics. Large continents are covered, and remote islands are sought out so that their inhabitants can receive a witness.
Can't see them getting rid of preaching door to door. It keeps the sheeple busy. Less time to think.
I used to be of the opinion that future changes would take years to implement. Maybe just tweaking things every 6 months or so, so no one really notices. But the way things have gone the past 2 years, it's going to be an interesting next 2 years. This religion has changed a LOT, and in 2 years it could actually be unrecognizable.
I really can't see them getting rid of the preaching work. I agree Old Major that it's busy work for the publishers and the WTS needs them to be busy. Publishers that sit around and do nothing can get apathetic. Busy publishers are excited about the big A.
I see the WT/AW being consolidated and the WT study articles being added to the new CLAM meeting KM thingy. I also see them requesting the publishers to print their own monthly CLAM meeting thingy. But, I see some books and the consolidated magazine still being printed so they can control the quality - such as it is.
More video parts and 2 day regional conventions.
Now Armageddon(tm) is upon us, all Kingdon halls will be sold. Meetings will be in homes or coal bunkers but the householder bears responsibility for any public liability insurance. Also, they must pay a small fee to download and print off their own PDFs of the watchtower which is to be amalgamated with the Awake!(tm) into
To show loyalty to Jehovah(tm), all JWs must make out a will that gives all their money and assets to the watchtower corporation.
As a test of loyalty to Jehovah(tm) all JWs must pay a monthly fee to the watchtower corporation to renew their membership.....if Armageddon comes and you haven't paid, Jehovah will lovingly murder you.
"Not even saying a greeting, NO NOT TO EVEN LOOK AT THEM"
Years ago when I was still fully indoctrinated I was DF'd and was trying to get RI. The PO asked why I thought I had a chance to be allowed back in. I said because one brother would always nod and give a slight smile when he saw me at the KH as he walked back to conduct the second "school".
The very next serve us meeting had the first and second parts shortened for a "special local needs" part that was not scheduled in the KM.
That same PO gave the part and said those very words. He said DF'd people would have ben stoned to death and buried in Israel, so they could not be seen. Therefore DF'd ones were the same as dead, and should not even be looked at.
What a f--king jack-ass! He is spreading his vile thoughts in central Arizona, USA now.