Is Israel next on the US hit list? As you can see from this NBC News repost, they as many WMD as Britain or Franch.
Israel's WMD... Are they next?
by William Penwell 39 Replies latest jw friends
OMG- we are on to the "I" countries now? And we weren't even done with the "S" ones !!!
I like Italy !!!
so many bombs, so little time.
In a perfect world, no one should have WMDs.
However, Israel, a Democracy, is surrounded by terrorist sponsoring dictators.. The WMDs are an equalizing force for Israel.
The atom bomb was a truly awful and awesome invention. But America’s monopoly on the weapon until 1949 saved Western Europe from Stalinism. And the possession of atomic weapons by both sides prevented a U.S.-Soviet war in the Caribbean and Europe in the Cuban missile crisis of 1962.
Except for the border clash between China and Russia in 1969 and the 39 Scuds that landed on Israel in 1991, no nuclear power has ever been attacked or invaded. And all the members and candidate-members of the Axis of Evil know it. They have seen the disparate treatment Americans accord to nuclear and non-nuclear enemies.
examples of israeli democracy in action
1947 -- 1948 Over 700,000 Palestinian Arabs were uprooted from their homes and land; since then, they have been denied the right to return or been given compensation for their property. After their expulsion, the "Israeli Forces" razed to the ground 385 Arab villages and towns out of a total of 475, and obliterated their remains.
January 1, 1948 Haganah terrorists attacked a village on the slopes of Mount Carmel; 17 Arabs were killed and 33wounded.
January 4, 1948 Haganah terrorists wearing British Army uniforms penetrated into the center of Jaffa and blew up the Serai (the old Turkish Government House) which was used as a headquarters of the Arab National Committee, killing more than 40 persons and wounding 98 others.
January 5, 1948 The Arab-owned Semiramis Hotel in Jerusalem was blown up, killing 20 persons, among them Viscount de Tapia, the Spanish Consul. Haganah admitted responsibility for this crime.
January 7, 1948 Seventeen Arabs were killed by a bomb at the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem, 3 of them while trying to escape. Further casualties, including the murder of a British officer near Hebron, were reported from different parts of the country.
January 16, 1948 Zionists blew up three Arab buildings. In the first, 8 children between the ages of 18 months and 12 years, died.
December 13, 1947 -- February 10, 1948 Seven incidents of bomb-tossing at innocent Arab civilians in cafes and markets, killing 138 and wounding 271 others, During this period, there were 9 attacks on Arab buses. Zionists mined passenger trains on at least 4 occasions, killing 93 persons and wounding 161 others.
February 15, 1948 Haganah terrorists attacked an Arab village near Safad, blew up several houses, killing 11 Arabs, including 4 children..
March 3, 1948 Heavy damage was done to the Arab-owned Salam building in Haifa (a 7 story block of apartments and shops) by Zionists who drove an army lorry ( truck) up to the building and escaped before the detonation of 400 Ib. of explosives; casualties numbered 11 Arabs and 3 Armenians killed and 23 injured. The Stern Gang claimed responsibility for the incident.
March 22, 1948 A housing block in Iraq Street in Haifa was blown up killing 17 and injuring 100 others. Four members of the Stern Gang drove two truck-loads of explosives into the street and abandoned the vehicles before the explosion.
March 31, 1948 The Cairo-Haifa Express was mined, for the second time in a month, by an electronically-detonated land mine near Benyamina, killing 40 persons and wounding 60 others.
April 9, 1948 A combined force of Irgun Zvai Leumi and the Stern Gang, supported by the Palmach forces, captured the Arab village of Deir Yassin and killed more than 200 unarmed civilians, including countless women and children.Older men and young women were captured and paraded in chains in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem; 20 of the hostages were then shot in the quarry of Gevaat Shaul.
April 16, 1948 Zionists attacked the former British army camp at Tel Litvinsky, killing 90 Arabs there.
April 19, 1948 Fourteen Arabs were killed in a house in Tiberias, which was blown up by Zionist terrorists.
May 3, 1948 A book bomb addressed to a British Army officer, who had been stationed in Palestine exploded, killing his brother, Rex Farran.
May11, 1948 A letter bomb addressed to Sir Evelyn Barker, former Commanding Officer in Palestine, was detected in the nick of time by his wife.
April 25, 1948 -- May 13, 1948 Wholesale looting of Jaffa was carried out following armed attacks by Irgun and Haganah terrorists. They stripped and carried away verything they could, destroying what they could not take with them.
September 17, 1948 Count Folke Bernadotte, UN Mediator in Palestine was assassinated by members of the Stern Gang in the "Israeli"- controlled sector of Jerusalem. Bernadotte's aide, Col. Serot, was also killed.
November 1948 The Arab villages of Iqrit and Birim were attacked and destroyed, killing and injuring countless unarmed Arabs, including women and children. All the Arabs were forcibly expelled from their homes and land.
February 1949 All the Arabs were forcibly expelled from their homes in the villases of Anan and Kafr Yasif by Haganah terrorists.
1950 Zionist agents threw bombs at a synagogue in Baghdad, Iraq, and other Jewish targets in order to pressure Jews into emigrating to Israel.
August 28, 1953 Armed Israelis attacked the UNRWA refugee camp at Bureij in the Gaza Strip. The "Israelis" threw grenades through the windows of the huts and gunned down the fleeing refugees, killing 30 and wounding 62 others.
October 14, 1953 The village of Qibiya was attacked by Israeli troops, killing 42 villagers.
July 1954 American and British consular and information offices in Cairo were sabotaged by Israeli agents operating under the "Israeli" Ministry of Defense.
April 4/5 1956 The "Israelis" shelled Gaza with 120 mm mortars, killing 56 Arab civilians and wounding 103 others.
January 11, 1952 -- September 25, 1956 Israelis carried out violent raids against Arab villages of Beit Jala, Falame, Rantis, Qibiya, Nahalin, Bani Suhaila, Rahwa, Gharandal, Wadi Fukin (in Palestine and Syria) and refugee camps at Bureij and Gaza in the Gaza Strip, killing 220 Arab civilians.
October 29, 1956 Forty-seven Arab inhabitants, including 7 children and 9 women were massacred by "Israeli" border guards in the village of Kufr Kassem. The guards arrived and announced that there would be a curfew as of 5 p.m. that very evening. Most of the men were working in the fields and did not know of the curfew. When they returned in the evening, they were summarily shot.
November 3, 1956 The town of Khan Yunis was occupied by "Israeli" forces. Two hundred and seventy five persons were killed.
November 12, 1956 One hundred and eleven civilians were killed by "Israeli" forces at Rafah refugee camp.
October 6, 1959 The Egypt-"Israel" Mixed Armistice Commission condemned "Israel" for expelling several hundred beduins of the Azazmah tribe from the Nagab.
November 13,1960 A large "Israeli" force, including tanks and armoured cars, attacked the village of Samu', destroying 125 houses, a school, a clinic; 15 houses were destroyed in another village, killing a total of 18 and wounding 54 others.
1959 -- 1963 "Israeli" armed forces attacked refugee camps at Rafah and villages at Nuqeib, Rafat and Shaikh Hussein in Syria and Palestine, killing 47 civilians.
June 12, 1967 Four hundred families were evicted from the Moroccan Quarter in Jerusalem, after three hours notice to evacuate their homes. Similar incidents took place at Qalqilya.
June 12, 1967 The villages of Beit Nuba, Yalu and Amwas were razed to the ground after the forced eviction of the population.
June/July 1967 During the June 1967 war, "Israeli" forces deliberately attacked UNEF Indian staff on 5 occasions, killing 11 and wounding 24. The UN Secretary-General reported that "Israeli" troops also mistreated UNEF officers and looted their property.
June/December l967 As a result of the June 1967 war, over 400,000 Palestinian Arabs living in Gaza and the West Bank and over 100,000 Palestinians and Syrians living in the Kuneitra area were up rooted from their homes and not allowed to return while the area was under "Israeli" occupation.
December 28, 1968 "Israeli" commando units transported by helicopter, attacked the Beirut civil airport and destroyed 13 civilian aircraft, causing damage of 22 million pounds sterling.
Sptember 4, 1967, September 29, 1967, July 8, 1968, Saptember 8, 1968, May 11, 1969 "Israeli" artillery shelled residential areas in Ismailia, Suez and Port Said. The Egyptian Government announced that 600 persons were killed and 1000 wounded in Ismailia since the June 1967 war.
February 12, 1970, "Isreali" planes bombed a factory near Abou Zaabal, Egypt, killing 70 civilian workers and injuring 98 others.
March 31,1970 "Israeli" planes bombed the city of Mansoura in the Nile Delta, killing 12 civilians and wounding 35 others.
April 8, 1970 "Israeli" planes bombed the Bahr el Baqar school in Sharkia province, 80 kilometres north of Cairo, killing 46 school children.
March 11, 1971 Thirty four families from the Gaza Strip were expelled to Abou Zuneima, in the Sinai Desert.
August 1, 1971 "Israeli" military occupation authorities in the Gaza Strip embarked on a house-demolition and terror campaign designed to force the 400,000 Palestinian refugees living in the Strip to move out.
April 28, 1972 An Israeli Piper plane flew over the Arab village of Akraba, spraying a chemical defoliant over the villagers' wheat crops. Previously, the Israeli Army had forcibly confiscated 100,000 dunums of arable land. In May, 1971 the villagers were asked to sell the remaining land. When they refused, their crops were thus destroyed.
July 8, 1972 Ghassan Kanafani, a Palestinian novelist and editor, was killed in Beirut when a bomb planted by "Israeli" agents exploded in his car. Also killed was his 16 year old niece.
July 18, 1972 Emile Khayyat, a Rif Bank employee in Beirut was seriously injured when a letter bomb sent by Zionist terrorist arm, the Mosad, exploded in his face.
July 19, 1972 In a similar incident, Dr. Anis Sayegh suffered serious injuries to his hands and eyes, in Beirut.
July 25, 1972 Bassam Abou Sharif, a young Palestinian writer in Beirut was seriously wounded when a book bomb exploded.
November 1967 -- September 1972 Over 1500 civilians were killed in "Israeli" attacks against Arab civilians in villages and refugee camps in Palestine, Jordan , Syria, Lebanon and Egypt.
March 1, 1972, March 9, 1972, September 8, 1972 "Israel" carried out attacks against civilian areas in Syria, such as Hamma and Maysaloun.
September 12, 1972 Three children died in a Lebanese hospital from wounds inflicted during the attack by "Israeli" aircraft on the Annahr Al Barid Palestinian refugee camp, bringing the total to 13 from this camp alone.
September 14, 1972 A Los Angeles accountant, Mohammed Shaath, was injured together with one of his children when a bomb planted by "Israeli" agents exploded in his home.
September 16, 1972 "Israeli" armoured forces attacked southern Lebanon, pulling out after much destruction of houses and large-scale looting.
September 17, 1972 An "Israeli" tank deliberately drove over a taxi in southern Lebanon, crushing its 9 passengers into pulp.
January 3, 1970, May 22, 1970, February 27, 1972, September 8, 1972, September 17, 1972 "Israelis" attacked Arab villages and refugee camps in southern Lebanon.
October 4, 1972 Librairie Palestine, Paris, was damaged by a bomb. Responsibility was claimed by the Massada Movement for Action and Defense, a student organization.
October 16, 1972 Wael Zuaiter, a Palestinian scholar and artist, was gunned down by the Israeli Mossad at his apartment entrance in Rome.
October 25, 1972 Ahmad Wafi, a Palestinian intellectual, was seriously injured in Algiers by an "Israeli" letter bomb.
October 25, 1972 Mustafa Awad Zaid was blinded and paralyzed in Tripoli and two Libyan passersby were injured as he opened a letter bomb.
October 26, 1972 Two employees of the Import-Export Bank in Beirut were seriously wounded when a letter bomb exploded.
October 26, 1972 An Egyptian police officer who checked three suspicious- looking letters was injured when they exploded.
November 29, 1972 Omar Sufan, representative of Red Crescent in Stockholm lost his fingers when a letter bomb exploded.
November 29, 1972 Adnan Hammad, a Palestinian student leader, was seriously injured in Germany with a letter bomb.
November 29, 1972 Three employees in Tunis Post Office were seriously injured while sorting mail, as a letter bomb exploded.
November 30, 1972 Ahmed Awadallah, a Palestinian student leader in Copenhagen lost his arm when a Mosad-despatched letter bomb exploded.
July 1967 -- December 1972 "Israeli" armed forces, in acts of collective punishment and reprisal, blew up or bulldozed more than 10,000 homes of Arab civilians in Gaza and the West Bank.
December 8, 1972 Mahmoud Hamshari, a Palestinian leader and intellectual lost a leg and subsequently died, on January 8, when an electronically-detonated bomb installed by the "Israeli" Mosad, exploded in his house in Paris. Aharon Yariv (an ex "Israeli" Minister of Information) supervised the execution of the operation, as he was charged with Israeli special operations directed at the Palestinians.
January 25, 1973 Hussein Abul Kheir was killed in Cyprus when a bomb exploded in his hotel room.
February 21, 1973 The northernmost corner of Lebanon was invaded by air and sea-borne "Israeli" forces, causing the death of 40 Arab civilians.
February 22, 1973 A Libyan civilian airliner was shot down by Israeli fighter aircraft over Sinai, killing 106 passengers and crew.
April 6, 1973 Dr. Bassel Kubaissy, an Iraqi political science professor, was gunned down and killed in a Paris street by the "Israeli" special forces.
(Kamal Nasser, one of Palestine's foremost poets, was gunned down and killed in his home in Beirut on April 10, 1973 by the "Israeli" special forces and terror squads. )
April 10, 1973 Palestinian leaders Mohammed Yusuf Najjar, Mrs. Najjar, Kamal Adwan and Kamal Nasser were all gunned down and killed in their homes in Beirut, by the "Israeli" special forces and terror squads.
May 2, 1973 Mrs. Nada Yashruti, a Palestinian feminist leader and mother of two, was ambushed by three "Israeli" agents with machine-guns at the entrance to her apartment and killed.
June 29, 1973 Mohammed Boudaiah, an Algerian poet and friend of the Palestinians, was killed when an "Israeli"-installed bomb exploded in his car in Paris.
July 21, 1973 Ahmed Bouchiki was gunned down by "Israeli" agents in Oslo. The "Israelis" admitted responsibility for this crime, which was followed by a court case. In the proceedings, information was revealed linking the "Israeli" murderers to the killings of Zuaiter, Hamshari, and other Palestinian leaders and intellectuals murdered in Europe.
April 12, 1974 " Israeli" forces attacked Lebanese villages, killing 2 civilians, destroying 31 houses and kidnapping 13 people.
May 13, 1974 "Israeli" planes raided Lebanon, killing 4 civilians.
May 16, 1974 "Israeli" planes raided and bombarded refugee camps in Lebanon, killing 50 civilians and wounding 200, in the Nabatiyeh and Ein-el-Helweh refugee camps. The Nabatiyeh camp was totally obliterated.
May 19, 1974 "Israeli" naval units bombarded the Rashidiyeh refugee camp, killing 8 civilians.
May 22, 1974 "Israeli" planes bombed refugee camps in Lebanon, wounding 2 civilians and destroying countless houses.
June 20, 1974 "Israeli" planes bombed refugee camps in Lebanon, killing 10 civilians and injuring hundreds.
July 8, 19 74 "Israeli" naval units raided Tyre and Saida, sinking 21 fishing boats.
August 7, 1974 "Israeli" planes bombed southern Lebanese villages.
August 13, 1974 "Israeli" naval boats shelled refugee camps, killing 1 civilian and wounding 6.
August 25, 1974 "Israeli" forces shelled villages in southern Lebanon.
September 24, 1974 "Israeli" forces shelled villages in southern Lebanon.
June 11, 1967 -- June 1974 "Israeli" forces destroyed 19,000 Palestinian homes in the West Bank and Gaza, which is equivalent to 380 villages and towns, almost the same number destroyed earlier, in the period 1948-- 1950.
Too bad you leave out the actions (context) of the leaders that placed Israel on the defensive.....Did you know Syria has killed more Palestinians than Israel? Do you know how many and why? But I expect nothing less from you.
Back on topic: Who gave Israel the technology in the first place?
For reactor design and construction, Israel sought the assistance of France. Nuclear cooperation between the two nations dates back as far as early 1950's, when construction began on France's 40MWt heavy water reactor and a chemical reprocessing plant at Marcoule. France was a natural partner for Israel and both governments saw an independent nuclear option as a means by which they could maintain a degree of autonomy in the bipolar environment of the cold war.
In the fall of 1956, France agreed to provide Israel with an 18 MWt research reactor. However, the onset of the Suez Crisis a few weeks later changed the situation dramatically. Following Egypt's closure of the Suez Canal in July, France and Britain had agreed with Israel that the latter should provoke a war with Egypt to provide the European nations with the pretext to send in their troops as peacekeepers to occupy and reopen the canal zone. In the wake of the Suez Crisis, the Soviet Union made a thinly veiled threat against the three nations. This episode not only enhanced the Israeli view that an independent nuclear capability was needed to prevent reliance on potentially unreliable allies, but also led to a sense of debt among French leaders that they had failed to fulfill commitments made to a partner. French premier Guy Mollet is even quoted as saying privately that France "owed" the bomb to Israel.
On 3 October 1957, France and Israel signed a revised agreement calling for France to build a 24 MWt reactor (although the cooling systems and waste facilities were designed to handle three times that power) and, in protocols that were not committed to paper, a chemical reprocessing plant. This complex was constructed in secret, and outside the IAEA inspection regime, by French and Israeli technicians at Dimona, in the Negev desert under the leadership of Col. Manes Pratt of the IDF Ordinance Corps.
Both the scale of the project and the secrecy involved made the construction of Dimona a massive undertaking. A new intelligence agency, the Office of Science Liasons,(LEKEM) was created to provide security and intelligence for the project. At the height construction, some 1,500 Israelis some French workers were employed building Dimona. To maintain secrecy, French customs officials were told that the largest of the reactor components, such as the reactor tank, were part of a desalinization plant bound for Latin America. In addition, after buying heavy water from Norway on the condition that it not be transferred to a third country, the French Air Force secretly flew as much as four tons of the substance to Israel.
Ah, the US would never hit Israel, never. It's not in their interest to. Once America's thrown bases on a huge swath of land, extending from Syria to Afganistan; then they won't need Israel anymore, so maybe we won't ask for help as much, but I still think that the US would never even dream of condemning Israel.
I don't care if Israel has WMD's. The issue with taking them away from Iraq goes back to the first Persian Gulf war and their terms of surrender ... they failed to meet those terms after 12 long years of negoitiations and inspections ... so hostilities resumed ... its as simple as that. Israel has proven responsible, as have the Russians and even the Chinese ... but Iraq, no.
My real fear is the French ... but that is for another post. - Jim W.
Balance for the unbalanced:
The United Nations resolved that Jerusalem would be an international city apart from the Arab and Jewish states demarcated in the partition resolution. The 150,000 Jewish inhabitants were under constant military pressure; the 2,500 Jews living in the Old City were victims of an Arab blockade that lasted five months before they were forced to surrender on May 29, 1948. Prior to the surrender, and throughout the siege on Jerusalem, Jewish convoys tried to reach the city to alleviate the food shortage, which, by April, had become critical.
Meanwhile, the Arab forces, which had engaged in sporadic and unorganized ambushes since December 1947, began to make an organized attempt to cut off the highway linking Tel Aviv with Jerusalem — the city's only supply route. The Arabs controlled several strategic vantage points, which overlooked the highway and enabled them to fire on the convoys trying to reach the beleaguered city with supplies. Deir Yassin was situated on a hill, about 2,600 feet high, which commanded a wide view of the vicinity and was located less than a mile from the suburbs of Jerusalem. The population was 750.32
On April 6, Operation Nachshon was launched to open the road to Jerusalem. The village of Deir Yassin was included on the list of Arab villages to be occupied as part of the operation. The following day Haganah commander David Shaltiel wrote to the leaders of the Lehi and Irgun:
I learn that you plan an attack on Deir Yassin. I wish to point out that the capture of Deir Yassin and its holding are one stage in our general plan. I have no objection to your carrying out the operation provided you are able to hold the village. If you are unable to do so I warn you against blowing up the village which will result in its inhabitants abandoning it and its ruins and deserted houses being occupied by foreign forces....Furthermore, if foreign forces took over, this would upset our general plan for establishing an airfield. 33
The Irgun decided to attack Deir Yassin on April 9, while the Haganah was still engaged in the battle for Kastel. This was the first major Irgun attack against the Arabs. Previously, the Irgun and Lehi had concentrated their attacks against the British.
According to Irgun leader Menachem Begin, the assault was carried out by 100 members of that organization; other authors say it was as many as 132 men from both groups. Begin stated that a small open truck fitted with a loudspeaker was driven to the entrance of the village before the attack and broadcast a warning to civilians to evacuate the area, which many did. 34 Most writers say the warning was never issued because the truck with the loudspeaker rolled into a ditch before it could broadcast the warning. 35 One of the fighters said, the ditch was filled in and the truck continued on to the village. "One of us called out on the loudspeaker in Arabic, telling the inhabitants to put down their weapons and flee. I don't know if they heard, and I know these appeals had no effect." 36
Contrary to revisionist histories that the town was filled with peaceful innocents, residents and foreign troops opened fire on the attackers. One fighter described his experience:
My unit stormed and passed the first row of houses. I was among the first to enter the village. There were a few other guys with me, each encouraging the other to advance. At the top of the street I saw a man in khaki clothing running ahead. I thought he was one of ours. I ran after him and told him, "advance to that house." Suddenly he turned around, aimed his rifle and shot. He was an Iraqi soldier. I was hit in the foot. 37
The battle was ferocious and took several hours. The Irgun suffered 41 casualties, including four dead.
Surprisingly, after the “massacre,” the Irgun escorted a representative of the Red Cross through the town and held a press conference. The New York Times' subsequent description of the battle was essentially the same as Begin's. The Times said more than 200 Arabs were killed, 40 captured and 70 women and children were released. No hint of a massacre appeared in the report.
“Paradoxically, the Jews say about 250 out of 400 village inhabitants [were killed], while Arab survivors say only 110 of 1,000.”38 A study by Bir Zeit University, based on discussions with each family from the village, arrived at a figure of 107 Arab civilians dead and 12 wounded, in addition to 13 "fighters," evidence that the number of dead was smaller than claimed and that the village did have troops based there. 39 Other Arab sources have subsequently suggested the number may have been even lower. 40
In fact, the attackers left open an escape corridor from the village and more than 200 residents left unharmed. For example, at 9:30 A.M., about five hours after the fighting started, the Lehi evacuated 40 old men, women and children on trucks and took them to a base in Sheikh Bader. Later, the Arabs were taken to East Jerusalem. Seeing the Arabs in the hands of Jews also helped raise the morale of the people of Jerusalem who were despondent from the setbacks in the fighting to that point. 41 Another source says 70 women and children were taken away and turned over to the British. 42 If the intent was to massacre the inhabitants, no one would have been evacuated.
After the remaining Arabs feigned surrender and then fired on the Jewish troops, some Jews killed Arab soldiers and civilians indiscriminately. None of the sources specify how many women and children were killed (the Times report said it was about half the victims; their original casualty figure came from the Irgun source), but there were some among the casualties.
At least some of the women who were killed became targets because of men who tried to disguise themselves as women. The Irgun commander reported, for example, that the attackers "found men dressed as women and therefore they began to shoot at women who did not hasten to go down to the place designated for gathering the prisoners." 43 Another story was told by a member of the Haganah who overheard a group of Arabs from Deir Yassin who said "the Jews found out that Arab warriors had disguised themselves as women. The Jews searched the women too. One of the people being checked realized he had been caught, took out a pistol and shot the Jewish commander. His friends, crazed with anger, shot in all directions and killed the Arabs in the area." 44
Contrary to claims from Arab propagandists at the time and some since, no evidence has ever been produced that any women were raped. On the contrary, every villager ever interviewed has denied these allegations. Like many of the claims, this was a deliberate propaganda ploy, but one that backfired. Hazam Nusseibi, who worked for the Palestine Broadcasting Service in 1948, admitted being told by Hussein Khalidi, a Palestinian Arab leader, to fabricate the atrocity claims. Abu Mahmud, a Deir Yassin resident in 1948 told Khalidi "there was no rape," but Khalidi replied, "We have to say this, so the Arab armies will come to liberate Palestine from the Jews." Nusseibeh told the BBC 50 years later, "This was our biggest mistake. We did not realize how our people would react. As soon as they heard that women had been raped at Deir Yassin, Palestinians fled in terror." 45
I think the USA should start with their own arsenal of weapons of mass destruction . They did build them under the pretense of mutually assured destruction which in my book is beyond any reason other then to exterminate whatever life they can in a desperate attempt to play god .If they can't control the world then noone should be able to and this would leave the planet in ruin .It's pretty sick reasoning from where I stand .
Amazing! Good to hear from you! Hope all is well....