I don't want to see the full hour... can someone please let me know where the "update" is?
Hours will be going up
by pbrow 24 Replies latest jw friends
Uhmmm i didnt see where that could be counted as time, only noted it was sacred service. Thats not even new. That was printed 20 years ago with the caveat that it should not reported on ur time slip -
Bungi Bill
What was that bull-story they once concocted about how their flip-flops in doctrine are just like sailing a yacht:
- i.e. how it tacks to the left, then to the right while sailing into the wind, yet the overall direction of progress is forwards?
For a time in the late 1970s, the WTS was saying this very same thing about what constituted "sacred service". That didn't last very long, though. It seemed to be recanted about the same time as Raymond Franz got dumped from the Governing Body.
The Searcher
Put this one in the "Pending" tray for now!
Can't believe I'm going to quote the book but here goes;
“Take care not to practice your righteousness in front of men to be noticed by them; otherwise you will have no reward with your Father who is in the heavens. 2 So when you make gifts of mercy, do not blow a trumpet ahead of you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be glorified by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. 3 But you, when making gifts of mercy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your gifts of mercy may be in secret."
Matthew 6: 1-4
Yeah, that'll do . .
Doubting Bro
No way, not going to happen -
Doubting Bro - "No way, not going to happen."
Most of us are being sarcastic, I think.
Ha ha, when I was an MS I was encouraged to sign up for RBC, the recruiter that hounded me kept repeating the term "sacred service" over and over when I said I still wanted to allow time for field ministry while on RBC, he wouldn't come right out and say it, but he was trying to convey the idea via "coded language" that time spent on RBC could be counted on my time slip. That's when I started allowing myself to count time getting ready for the "recruiting work" all thru breaks and until I got home. Counting time became just a monthly entry to keep status as an MS to me. -
So many pioneers and others are so used to saying, "Sorry, I can't help you move" or "Sorry, I can't take an elderly sister to her medical appointment" with the excuse: "....because I have to get my time in."
I know Ray Franz tried to indicate that sacred service included good works toward others and it was shot down because Watchtower was still building a massive printing empire and didn't want members to skip selling magazines to do something more important.
I would say that literature give-aways are becoming such a burden now, with the dubs not really donating for them much, that the cart witnessing without bothering people still isn't enough. They actually do not want too many magazines/books to go out the door. So allowing other things to "count time" on will further reduce the efforts to give away Watchtower mags.
I think that maybe the only reason they don't stop literature distribution is that it is the main method they use to control the members' activities- make them "publishers" and "pioneers." Taking that away would just be too radical a change for the members to swallow.
I see this as another sign that they are in true money trouble, not just pretending. But I also consider that part of their money problem might have included moving massive amounts to offshore accounts as a golden parachute for the lawyers, accountants, Governing Body members.
I woke up and breathed and spoke nicely to someone in the street about the sunrise....
I enjoyed some nice food and good health... I even smiled and did some things to help make another persons day go well.
So, does that mean I can count all my waking hours as "sacred service field activity"?
OR, was I just being a nice, normal person?