Alan F:
The only false assumptions I see can be found in your claims.
Your observations of Simon’s emotional state was uncalled for, and your views of information control are paranoid and absurd, IMHO. If you can dish it out, you better can take it.
Your diverting comments of a personal nature will not work on me. I see right through you.
The issue is not if Governments, etc., control their information, we all know that anyone reporting anything would, in effect control it. That’s a given. The issue here is if the controls are absolute. As your claim infers. You only offer a false choice based on a Straw Man fallacy.
In this modern age, total control of information is impossible in a free society. If the Government controls most information, then why are our Universities mostly Liberal, Anti US? This one fact alone disproves your claim of cause and effect. More importantly, examining the reasons for your claims would really be telling. The Straw Man you are trying to prop up is not working. Nice Try!