JH I can easily believe that. Just like the Iraqi Airforce that fled to Iran the enemy of Iraq in GW1. But still the same question that SImon asks stands. "Where are they?" The US rattled it's saber and all of a sudden those Iraqi officals who were not in Demascus showed up. But Iraqi officals are not WMD assholes yes but WMD no.
Thichi you are being goated by the testosteroneless. They namecall because it is all they have.
(Simon one word and I will cut this out or delete it: By your command)
How did the Iraqi Freedom operation help the Bush ANWR program? Didn't it really kill any hope of it? How is guaranteeing dependence on foriegn Arab oil going to help with this agenda? How does it jive with your "Bushie greed for oil" dreamscape?
Is it possible that I'm a brainwashed sucker Will? No, realisticly I have all information sources availale to me and make the best choices I can at the time. I am not afraid to turn on my current beliefs out of fear or pride. Hate is not existent in my heart. In fact I am full of hope. Are you?
Someone said that they as skeptical of everyone and super skeptical of anyone in government. That does not make you smart, it makes you paranoid.
Simon asked for the "exact location" of Iraqi WMD.
Answer: Simon I don't know where they are. I have little faith that if I go to Iraq I can find them myself and bring you to them. So the answer is I do not know.
You said that you are angry over the ever changing reasons for US reasons for invasion. The reason never changed the need for "regime change" was in play. The UN/Euro pact did not want this because a lot of money was being made just the was; And the US was too. I am angry that the UN made more than one BILLION dollars off the backs of starving Iraqis! Why aren't you? Why aren't any of you more angry over the UN taking a cut of the Iraqi oil trade and then not doing anything to stop the starvation. Why aren't you more angry over Saddam interfering with the UN inspectors for all these years. Saddam is the enemy here not each other.
I have heard the argument that if the US has WMD then Iraq should be able to have them too. That is stupid.
I'm glad that we did not wait. The potential for good outways the risk of rouge nations doing the same. I know the precident that this pre-emptive invasion sets. One's reasons for pre-emptive action will never be justified in the Euro mindset. Only they pre-emptively invade not the USA. And yes as a hawk I am willing to take the chance of a pandemic war. For once we are not going to wait until we are behind the 8 ball to fight back. I could give facts, statisitcs, quote from scholarly books, point out the fake BBC journalism in regard to Iraq (Which they admit to), to support my case; but in truth you people who are against what I say, your minds are closed. I am talking to the dead. Really you don't care...Do you....
Thichi thank you for all of your information. I have read it and I want you to know that it is not wasted here. I am sorry that some people are so rude to you.