OMG, is this the apotheosis of bat-shit craziness or not?
Set ptermber AT study article: "Armaggedon Is Good News!
by Room 215 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nathan Natas
Oh, SEPTEMBER! I get it!
OMG, is this the apotheosis of bat-shit craziness or not?
Yup. The death of billions is "good news".
And the JWs wonder why Russia views them as extremists. 😒
This group has always been BSC
FatFreek 2005
Good one, Jimmy. BSC -- Best Shit Communicator.
The WT can't stand the concept of hellfire, but they are looking forward to massive worldwide deaths caused by fireballs from heaven... -
A good description of the JWS religious cult would be delusions spiked with emotionalism.
I get it now.... The title of next week's study article - " Armageddon is Good News"
I am glad I won't be there for that one ! ....butvwe can pull it to bits on here
That`s why he killed off all of life in the flood in Noah`s day.
Killing all people babies and children in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and surrounding areas.
And is planning on destroying billions of people at the big "A"
If he`s such a loving GOD I would hate to see him in a hateful mood .
"Armaggedon Is Good News!"
If that's what they're 'studying(tm)'.....What do we expect from a corporation that cherishes and protects paedophiles? Nothing rational, that's for sure.
Same old sadistic aggression.
All hail the drunken GovBod (piss be unto them).