Sorry about the mangled headline... I must admit that I never fully bought into the literal belief of global genocide, and used to argue that all of that "blood up to the horse's brible was "symbolic imagery."
Set ptermber AT study article: "Armaggedon Is Good News!
by Room 215 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's good news for all those waiting to take over their neighbourhood big houses. Once they've buried the bodies. Of course there'll be no power, water or plumbing but a miracle or two will fix that surely.
The JW preaching message, boiled down to its essence:
"Worship God the way we tell you to, or God will slaughter you, your family, your friends, and 7 billion other people, real soon now."
To be fair, that is merely a variation on the essence of the "Christian Gospel" message that has been preached for ~2000 years.
Room 215
Yep, sir82; distilled to its essence, it's "Join Us or Die!"
amiable atheist
The GB ( Garrulous Bullshitters, Greedy Bastards, Glib Barnacles, ... ):" Do our bidding, or else your dead meat!"