youre right--not seen flipper for a while now.
I miss old posters!
by Biahi 28 Replies latest jw friends
I'm still here. lol
This thread brings back some great memories of some old timers like Alan F , Englishman, Lady Lee, Jan H and the aforesaid Leolaia. There was more depth and some cracking debates with Watchtower apologists who used to pop up on here.
However, those days are gone. I still find a lot of good stuff on here , it keeps me checking in every day
Now the U S Election is over, let’s make this a place of “peace and goodwill to all men”
Seasons greetings to all ..
I've been here since 2006 and I've seen em come and go.
I've started well over 1000 topics and made far more posts.
It becomes too familiar. The same questions, topics, arguments, rebuttals, etc.
I miss the personalities of Golden Age crowd :)
Some of us died off, too. It's to be expected.
The switchover from regular JW-dom to TV GB superstars was the most dramatic change I've seen.
I lived through the 1975 debacle and that incident was a hatchet to the jugular.
But JW's are always convert-fresh up to a point.
The renegades, apostates, and disenfranchised waves of humanity reach the shores of eventually.
A HEALTHY mind wakes up and moves on. Count it as progress when folks disappear.
I hardly ever post actual JW-related topics anymore. I'm here socially.
DON'T FORGET you have a monumentally valuable archive here. Just click on your favorite names and the entire history of their topics and post is still available. -
I’m here to find out what’s latest in dubland, since my mom is still in. Also, I want to see them fall. When they inevitably will. I want to see the Governing Body in prison, for hiding pedos.
Me, too!
I think we don't see deeper discussions about JW stuff much anymore because JWdom is no longer deep. It has become less and less analytical because it got its butt kicked and is now playing it safe. As some have said, JWdom is morphing into a non-analytical mega church that focuses on feel-good stuff and lifestyle vs doctrine.
A lot of the discussions have focused on politics because, it seems, a lot of us are more affected by that now than we are JWdom. Also, the JW situation is sort of in the doldrums now - nothing really exciting going on - just slowly sailing along or dead in the water.
A few years ago, there were a lot deeper discussions here about JWdom because it was making changes and going places that we would never have thought possible a few years earlier. It was becoming something that those of us who were around in the 70's & 80's would have never imagined it would.
I think as the political situation dies down, the discussions will turn to JWdom again. Also, I believe the wind will pick back up. I believe we will see some interesting stuff related to JWdom in the near future. Is the pressure from disappointed/disgruntled JWs building up behind the scenes? Will it reach a point at which the pressure will become too high? Will JWdom become an exclusively e-religion? Will it collapse completely? We'll see.
There is actually still a lot to discuss about JWdom. I have a list of about ten interesting topics been wanting to post; just haven't been able to find time.
And, I miss the old posters, too.
I particularly liked Blondie's comments, they were both valuable and informative.
stan livedeath
lady lee pops up on my facebook as a friend suggestion..i recognised her photo and name.
I stay here mainly so as to encourage those who have recently left, if I can be of help in any way, I am always pleased to do so.
I miss the old "in-depth" stuff too, though good old boy Doug Mason provides some !
Good to hear that some of the Posters of old are still around, but as said above, it is great when people move on, many have used this place as a Half Way House, and once recovered sufficiently from the JW Cult experience, move on and leave JW Land far behind, a healthy choice !
This is a good thing for Newbies to access as Terry says above : DON'T FORGET you have a monumentally valuable archive here. Just click on your favourite names and the entire history of their topics and post is still available. ( I would add, you can search the Subject you are interested in too )
Does anyone remember Danny Hazard? He was a very active apostate who went too far one time when an older JW called at his door. He had delayed necessary surgery back in the 70s because his family was convinced Armageddon was coming soon. I wonder if he’s still around.
Beth Sarim
Come to think about it, who has seen Outlaw of late?
He was hillarious.
Yes, the Borg's slide into TV evangelism has no doubt sent shockwaves throughout the JW community. For those that were in the Borg pre 1975, they are probably deep down ???????