If so, does it affect your relationship? Is it hard to deal with? I think that this is becoming a more common scenario in American society.
Guys, be honest - does your woman make more $$ than you do?
by DanTheMan 21 Replies latest jw friends
Yep. She is storing up her treasures in heaven as we speak. My riches simply get sputtered away to pay for bills, mortgage, food, playing....you know, the necessities of life.
In Big J's eyes(read: WTS), she makes a helluva lot more than me!
Thanks Jourles.
I thought this would get more of a response - maybe this isn't as common as I think it is.
I make more only because I've been at my job for over 20 years, compared to 1 year of full-time for my wife. But:
She has a higher job grade/classification than I do, so eventually, she has the potential to make more.
She attends college part-time, taking two classes per semester. I have never attended college.
This disparity does not affect our relationship adversely though. Everything seems the same to me.
Right now I make more, but that might very weell change in the near future if her current job keeps going the way it's going.
I could care less which one of us makes more $$. It all goes into the same big shared pile, and we spend out of it as we both see fit. Of course, if she rakes in the big bucks I'm quiting and going to school, the one big thing I missed out on.
Acutally, we are almost exactly equal, not that it would matter to me. I'd love to have a sugar-mommy.
Big Tex
Nina has always made more money than me. So what? It all goes into the same account and we all live in the same house. That's what family is about. No egos. We all pull for each other.
I have been the sole bread winner for the last eight years, while my wife has stayed and home and raised the kids.... Lucky duck!!!!!
However, we are going through a divorce/separation right now, so very shortly, YES, she will be making more money than me....
refiners fire
My wife gets paid more than I do. That wasnt the case 3 years ago, but it is now. I couldnt care less, after all we live in an equal society now, so women have the right to support me if they choose to do so . It doesnt affect my performance any. I wish she earnt enough so that I could do as I pleased all day.
You're gonna hate this RF, but right now all I'm doing is writing a book. My wife is making ALL the money. Of course, if this book is published, that could change quickly. But this has been going on for over a year now with no end in sight.
My wife loves her job. She a natural academic and is a professor at a community college here. At the same time, she's working on her Ph.D. in human/computer interface. She's having a ball. I'm having a ball. All God's chillun havin' a ball.