Pioneer Hours Update

by Bartolomeo 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Longlivetherenegades

    Ray Franz captured that Watchtower article of 1943 in ISCOF. Surprised that some are aware of it now. Add that article to the DUBTOWN dogma video relating to field reporting. There is no way you will buy into this field service report stuff again. It is proper case and excellent example of TEACHING COMMANDS OF MEN as DOCTRINES.

    Imagine The Lord the field of academic writing they should attach a reference to that. So disheartening that the religious organization that prides itself in following the scriptures are using the commands of MEN to judge people's righteous and integrity to God.

    Jesus field service report will include...... How many demons did you cast out.. Oh DUBTOWN dogma.

  • enoughisenough

    I got a kick out of this video. She stumped them and then the brain washing came out.

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