Wife and I were talking about this - it's just another disgusting way violence is done in the name of religion and in the name of screwed up belief systems which has happened for thousands of years. " Religious " people feel oppressed and desperate over thousands of years be it the Inquisition, the Crusades , the American Revolution, then they take their aggressions out in violent ways. It's disgusting. I get sick and tired of Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientologists, Christians or whatever religion it is coming on the media and denying criminal conduct whether it's murder, child abuse, and then claiming that "really our faith teaches peace and love and tolerance . " Not true at all .
Muslims for thousands of years since Mohammed have fostered violence against the alleged damned " infidels " in the middle east. Violence has been a way of their culture for centuries . So it stands to reason that when America entered into the picture attempting to get certain " resources " over there- I suppose the Muslims weren't going to take it lying down. So the chickens come home to roost - so to speak. It's still evil, doesn't make it right- but it's a fact of life that for every action there is an opposite reaction. And innocent victims like the 14 people murdered are the ones who get caught in the crosshairs and pay for all this religious bigotry.
These belief systems teach bigotry, intolerance , superiority and fosters barbaric attitudes within it's members. And I'm talking about belief systems within MANY different religions- Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientologists, and Christians. If you really think about it - America , the U.S, was allegedly touted as the " home of the brave, and land of the free ". Uh-huh. Try explaining that to the thousands of indigenous Native American people who lived on the U.S. continent for centuries until they got murdered, pillaged, raped by the U.S. cavalry in the hundreds and thousands losing their home and land in the name of what ? " Religious freedom " ? Bullshit. I'm sure the Native Americans in the 18th and 19th centuries looked at the White Europeans as " terrorists " as well. It's important to put everything in perspective - depending on what vantage point you are coming from and what you are experiencing in life.
Bottom line is all I'm saying is this violence shit has been happening for centuries, it's sick, it's twisted and disgusting - but we have the oppressive powers of political powers, religions, and the abuse of power resulting in oppression of the masses to thank for much of the chaos. The " I'm right - and you should not exist " attitude has fostered the senseless killing of millions of innocent lives through thousands of years. We individually have to take care of each other as friends, families, and in our own neighborhoods to protect ourselves from psycho groups that have their own agenda's . The surprise of it all- is you never know for sure who can fall into the " psycho groups ". One reason caution is in order. Take care all, hug your wives and kids this weekend