Oh l don't know where you live but here in Tamworth l haven't seen any Mormons for ages.
It sounds like they must have all moved into my neighbourhood, then!
Seriously, here in the south-western part of the Brisbane metropolitan area, (Queensland, Australia) the LDS is very active.
Never mind that "only a small fraction of the Mormons preach". This same pair of young men are at it constantly - all day and every day. None of this meeting "for service", knocking on a few doors, then sloping off to Starbucks to complete the morning's "service". Those two are still to be seen working the streets very late in the afternoon. Unlike the JWs, too, the LDS guys will go out of their way to approach people out in the street; whereas I have so often seen the JWs walk right past you in the street, only to go up to your door house, where nobody is at home.
I have lost count of the number of times over the last three months that I have encountered this same pair of Mormon missionaries - either at my door or out in the street.
JWs have steady numbers or are increasingly slightly, in particular among immigrant communities.
But at no greater rate than that of the population in general. Hardly a great achievement! As Raymond Franz in Crisis of Conscience noted, the so-called "Preaching Work" of the Jehovahs Witnesses is hardly an effective one.
Eight million JWs claim to be preaching, yet are outshone by only 100 000 Mormons.
This does not say much for the Jehovahs Witnesses. In fact, the term "Blunt Instrument" appears to be a most accurate description of their much vaunted "Preaching of the Good News".