Diligence and Enthusiasm - LDS vs JWs

by Rivergang 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • slimboyfat
    But at no greater rate than that of the population in general.

    That’s incorrect. JWs are growing faster than the general population and always have done except for a couple of years during the disruption of the pandemic. The latest figures are JWs grew at 2.4% compared with world population growth of 0.9%.

  • Rivergang
    many other developed countries

    I thought we were here talking about the situation in "developed countries" - not the overall world growth in the respective religions?

  • slimboyfat

    JWs are growing faster than the population in developed countries, or in countries such as Poland, Italy, Japan and South Korea, where the overall population is in decline, they are declining more slowly than the general population, or keeping steady, whereas the general population is in decline.

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