You had sex at the memorial???? How did you manage that? Enquiring (aka nosey, not minding their own business,) minds want to know ...
I prefer to keep the details out, but yes, I did it and it's possible (not encouraging people to do that, though)
Scratchme being duplicitous is the only way a fiercely independent person can survive after being dragged into the 'tooth'. All the JW's want is to train young people and adults to live in a world that doesn't exist.
Some born-in people assimilate and become good JWs. I didn't, I couldn't. Trust me, I tried. The one problem I had was that no matter how good of a JW I was, I was always looked at the brother "with that problem", not to mention that so many things never made sense to me. I can't say that i ever had good love or support from anyone in the congregation or my own family. That was another factor.
Scratchme you are a savage lol #36 had my crying lol
I'm actually working on writing my story. I believe there are things I can laugh at now, like that one, but to be honest, it didn't feel that great at the time. Now I celebrate it.
"I vogued to Madonna in the 90s" You disgust me.
Oh, cut me some slack! It was the 90s, it was a time of confusion We were still getting over the 80s fashion!