Caleb and Sophie's parents don't NEED the money, right? But WatchTower NEEDS every red cent in order to pay for an entire MOUNTAIN in China, from which they are mining ALL of the granite that they are using in construction at the new WT HQ. No BS! WT actually bought a freakin' MOUNTAIN in China, and having the "local brothers" over there mine, cut, and ship it over to the USA to be used in the construction of WT HQ. So there's the "charity" that the kid's ice cream money is going towards. Sickening!
Sophie gives even more than ice cream money to the WT
by OrphanCrow 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
JAHovers toilet cleaner
This is a new low even for these sick bastards. Someone send this link to the child services office ASAP and see what they say. Send this to every newspaper you can. Someone out there will take this public. They need to be exposed ASAP. -
Wing Commander, I never heard of thar. Can you please cite some sources? -
While it is nice to encourage children to think of others in need, (rather than being selfish), this is a new low!
Wow! The guilt the society is using is disturbing!
The limited options presented for Sophia to "give her coin to" is manipulative!
I want to :::: new york -
Be Generous Toward Jehovah | Become Jehovah’s Friend Activity
Watch the video ‘Be Generous,’ and then complete the maze to help Sophia get her coin where it needs to go. In what ways can you show that you’re generous?I Honestly Thought this Thread was a Joke..
WatchTower Children`s Games..
That Teach JW Children to Give the WatchTower Their Money??!!..
That can`t be Right.....It`s got to be a Joke..
I had to click the link and go to the OFFICIAL WatchTower Web Site to see it for myself..
...........................It Was Real..
problemaddict 2
Oh wow! Orphan Crow for the win!
Sophie must really be raking in that allowance money. I'm sure this is a subtle que for the parents really. Get the kids to ASK if they can be like Sophia and put some money in the box. Hey don't have money!
JWdaughter.........regarding paid clergy/elders.
I think if they followed the typical model, disfellowshippings would go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy down.
I'm surprised they even made this into a maze. I would have thought they would make it a simple straight line. To make sure the coin makes it easily to the society. Cha-ching -
lts called conditioning the young (brainwashing} to pay up when young so when adults they will give freely. -