This is disgusting....
I wish kids can donate monopoly money instead because I sure would hahahaha (just imagine the faces when they see it)
by OrphanCrow 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This is disgusting....
I wish kids can donate monopoly money instead because I sure would hahahaha (just imagine the faces when they see it)
Yeah, this is pretty bad. Words fail at something so blatant and shameless So, I'll talk about the art instead...are those cows (and stacks of paper??) in the picture next to the Watchtower sign? Definitely no cows in Brooklyn so looks like they're subliminally preparing people for the move to the boonies.
outsider: So, I'll talk about the art instead...are those cows (and stacks of paper??) in the picture next to the Watchtower sign? Definitely no cows in Brooklyn so looks like they're subliminally preparing people for the move to the boonies.
Definitely cows. Cute ones. That poop a lot. Cause Watchtower Farms are so important.
Not stacks of paper. Well, sort of. A stack of silver swords - the WT bibble.
Cow poop and bibbles.
atomat: lts only money...
No it's not.
It's early training to be a Watchtower slave forever.
It instills a sense of devaluing the self in young children - which sets the stage for creating the perfect little victim as well.
I'm still in shock from the visual image of a child being taught to give their coins not to feed hungry children or for housing the homeless...but to give their coin to tall buildings. Buildings!! Oh, and meaningless literature carts everyone tries to avoid.
It's definitely a new low and I think normal people would be horrified to see it. Please share, if you can.
FayeDunaway: ...but to give their coin to tall buildings. Buildings!!
...and cows. That poop on the lawn beside the bibles.
Don't forget the cows.
Anyone interested can now openly ask why the GB has gone full ape sh1t since the death of Daniel Sydlik in 2006.
OK I'll bite.
Was Sydlik a restraining influence?