by Mary 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hamas

    Nope not at all.

    Right now in my life, It would come as a welcome relief.

  • Simon

    I'm not afraid of death itself but would rather it was "optional" obviously.

    I think the worse part is the sadness it will cause others (unless they shoot up rockets and rejoice, LOL). Also, I hate the thought of leaving my wife and kids without me being there to look out for them and help them. And I guess I'll miss seeing some of the things they do.

  • Hamas

    Simon, they will probably be better off without you .

    Sorry, couldnt resist

  • mouthy

    I pray every night to die= Not in a violent way-Or a suffering way- just to go in my sleep. But everyone that knows me says I wont go for along time- cos I have to learn patience THAT I never will learn...I hope God isnt waiting for me to do that- I believe only the good die young!!!! I will be 76 next month- Oh death were is your sting???

  • Mary

    Thanks Qwerty, yes I read that post. I'm really starting to believe that there IS something beyond this life. The WTB&TS is one of only a handful of religions world wide that teach that when you die, that's it. Virtually every other religion, be it Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddism, Hindu, Wicca, or the thousands of other religions ALL teach that death is only the death of the physical body, not the spiritual one.

    And there are many scriptures in the bible that seem to strongly indicate that something happens when you die:

    When Rachel gave birth to Benjamin, she died and it says ".....and as her soul was going out....."

    Or when Elijah resurrected the widows son, it says "and the soul of the boy came back into him....."

    There are many such incidents in the New Testament as well. Jesus' description of the Rich Man and Lazarus, his promise to the Evildoer that he would be with him in Paradise, Stephen's near-death experience where he saw God and "Jesus, standing at the right hand of God"; Paul's trip to the "Third Heaven, where in the body I do not know, or out of the body, I do not know", his desire to leave this world as to "be at home with the Lord"; 1Corinithians chapter 15 talks about the resurrection and it states in vs. 42 (I think): If there is a physical body, there is a spiritual body."

    When Charles Russell first looked into the Adventist religions, he didn't like the idea of anyone burning in Hell, so he went into it, with a pre-conceived idea that there is nothing when you die.

    It's funny, at a Witness funeral, we're always told how "comforting" it is to "know the truth" that our loved ones are just "asleep" in the ground, not floating off somewhere else, but I always thought that was bizarre thinking. It's far more comforting to think your loved ones are ALIVE somewhere else, not just dead in the ground.........what comfort is there in that?

  • Hamas

    Mary :

    It's far more comforting to think your loved ones are ALIVE somewhere else, not just dead in the ground.........what comfort is there in that?

    I hate to stick up for old WT doctrine but I'd have to agree with them and say that to me knowing that a loved one is just asleep with no stress is a lot better than thinking they are being tortured and burnt alive.

    But If it's heaven you are thinking of, then yes I would love to think of them in heaven smiling (or probably frowning) down at me.

  • ashitaka

    I don't want to die, but if I was going to no matter what, I guess I'd just have to accept it. What can I do about it. We all go someday. I just want to make sure that I have something good to remember on my deathbed.



    It is inevitable. I look forward to that day, knowing I've lived my life to the fullest.

    But, should anything befall me suddenly, I have signed and have availed myself to organ donation so that anyone who is in dire need can use whatever can be harvested from my body.

    If I grow old, then I've done pretty good. I would hope I won't die without completing a few things, or travelling a bit more and so forth.

    Of course, I would not want to be in any pain: then again, that's what drugs are for

    My grandmother is 84 - and she's a going concern. I love her to pieces, and she's my endless source of inspiration.

    We've got the present, and if we're happy in it: the future looks good.




  • MrMoe
    Post 98 of 143
    since 08-Apr-03

    Nope not at all.

    Right now in my life, It would come as a welcome relief.

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