A number of people feel that basically, not only was their life stolen from them because they were Witnesses, but because of their being at one time JW's, they are screwed for the rest of their lives. Are you in that category?
Did Being A Witness Screw You Up THAT Much???
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, because you can't repair the damage done. You can only salvage what's left.
I think I was screwed up before I became a Witness, and then got screwier after being one for several years. Now I work every day not to be screwy...
Everybody is screwy!
Everybody has baggage!
I am no more screwed up from being a dub, then I would be if I was raised a baptist. I honestly believe that. Then again, I didn't have the same life experiences as everyone else with the JW's.
But it my world, it's my life, I am the only one in control of how I eventually think and feel, sure others can impact it...but I have the final say. I refuse to let them have that power over me to say, "You ruined my life"...because if they did, that means I had no say and have no say in where I go from here.
people often look for excuses to be weak. the past is over.
I had a rough life,I'd admit.I was messed a little before I became involved with the Jw's.Now I am a stronger person,than I ever was because of my life experinces.I still fall at times,but every time I finally bounce back.I feel stronger.
I choose to make life what it is now, instead of using the past as a crutch.
Lady Lee
It is an interesting question Min.
Well the chances are that given the abuse in my early childhood - pre-JW - that I might have had a lot of problems in certain areas. Being a JW actually did steer me to live a moral life in one way. The cost of that was pretty high though. I really wanted to go to college and learn a career. That was taken from me by becoming a JW. I wound up married very early (18 and I really wanted to wait until I was 23ish) and it was the influence of the JWs that got me pushed into that. But I had 2 beautiful choildren who are now grown and on their own.
The recovery from all the abuse and from the JWs has certainly made me stronger and hopefully wiser. I can't get back some of the sort-of lost years. They are a part of who I am today. I choose to use those experiences to help myself and others.
I was certainly screwed up while I was a JW but now work towards trying not to be screwed up - just me warts and all
Being a witness didn't really screw me up. It was pretty much all I knew at the time. It was a very sheltered life. Being disfellowshipped screwed me up and then some. The devastating effects of losing your family, friends, belief system are HUGE! It took me about 10 years of agonizing therapy, counseling, medications, and "spirituality shopping" for me to finally feel like I wasn't going to DIE over those losses. Now? I'm grateful for my experiences. I truly feel like I'm wiser, happier, stronger, enriched because of them.
be wise
screwed for the rest of their lives. Are you in that category?
I can’t say I am.
The progress I’ve made in my happiness and intelligence since I left Jehovah’s Witnesses has been unbelievable by anyone’s standards and to say I did it all on my own really says something about me that I should be extremely proud of and I am [sometimes it’s good to blow our own trumpets, I think].
Now I realise I am not entirely on my own and can receive a lot of help from you guys and helpful websites like www.freeminds.org. I’m so glad to be free, I could still be in a prison but I am not. That makes me very happy. And probably makes a lot of JW’s very angry when they read this but that’s there baggage not mine.