I've arrived at the point where I consider it all 'war wounds'. Learned alot of lessons, carry the scars, but can't change the past - might as well learn from it and be there for others who rocked in a similar boat. Good to see you haven't run out of questions Minimus - you ARE the original question factory! ;) Mimilly/Salem
Did Being A Witness Screw You Up THAT Much???
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
It sure as hell did'nt help!
I used to be screwed up. But I'm all better now.
In my case, not really. My life was pretty OK as a JW (the parents were not the overly zealous psycho Witnesses), and given my relatively young age at which I discovered the truth about "the truth", I don't feel my life has been too adversely affected by it(of course, I could have run for senior class president in high school.... ).
While I'm sure there will be certain ways I'll be always affected, the religion certainly doesn't control who I am.
I couldn't be who I am now had I not been who I was at each and every step of getting here. Know what I mean?
The JWs served a very important purpose in my life. The JWs inspired me to look for, to intensely search for the real truth and a verifiable God. The JWs convinced me that I would never, ever again follow any man or group of men, but would only and always follow the quiet leading of my own inner spirit leading. In that manner have the JWs served me well.
YES it screwed me up for yrs and i hope that slowly i am becoming my own person since i stopped going 10 yrs ago. while i was a witness, i did some things i wasnt proud of because while a witness it was the right thing to do....get that? it doesnt show you how to live a normal life, it shows you how to live the life they want you to ...i never knew any other way until i stopped going but that i had to figure out myself after living in limbo for 10 yrs
I am not in the forever screwed category. however, I was born and raised third generation screwed up and gave them my youth and health and strength and even had a tubal ligation done when I was still young enough to have children because I was seeing an elder and he did not want kids and I was a reg pioneer and the rest of the elders advised me to do it as a sacred service(I can always have kids in the New World right?---unless I am resurrected and become a eunuch....) I missed college, career and family and lost friends, family and livelihood to leave--at age 34. they took so much from me, but I am determined that they do not take anymore. My life is mine now. good, bad or ugly. but I will always have scars.
Yes. I have thought about this, and yes, it did. Esp. being DF and having people literally run from me when they saw me. That hurt.
It seems that for many, the overall Witness experience proved somewhat beneficial. Even though many had to or have to handle pain, the end result is that we can all learn from the past. When I read of some who truly suffered, especially from an emotional standpoint, my heart goes out to you as you struggle to handle the aftermath of Witness life. I'm glad we have, here, such a good support system.
Hey as long as they keep manufacturing Corona's and lemons....it's all goooooooood baby!