How Many Here Changed Their Personality After Leaving The Witnesses?

by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Good answer crow Same here. I think I have always been a nice person - at least nice people think so - the not-so-nice ones might disagree.

    But my behaviors have changed - from shy and whoossie to assertive and strong (within myself) Now I have no problem tactfully expressing what I think and feel. Some people still don't like that but then... that is their problem.

    On the whole I think I have improved for the better. I know what I think and feel and believe in (most of the time) and I am no longer afraid to stand up for my right

  • neyank

    Did we as witnesses HAVE a personality?


  • xjw_b12

    YES...I became a member of the human race.


    Oh hell yeah, I've changed plenty.

    I'm definitely way more open-minded than I ever was as a Dub.

    Left of centre in my thinking/politically, but of course, agree to disagree and respect others opinions.

    Hell yeah! Like xjw_B12 said: became part of the human race.

  • be wise
    be wise

    I've found it, not changed it.

  • DanTheMan
    Did we as witnesses HAVE a personality?


    I was a very hypersensitive and anal retentive JW. Probably some were glad to see me go! I'm trying to become more relaxed and less judgemental and negative. I tried to do that while I was still a dubber, but it's hard to be a positive and relaxed person when you're in such a negative and totally UN-relaxed religion!

  • Ravyn

    it took me a whole year to make the plans for my physical escape from the JWs. That last year I changed so much I was unrecognizable even to my family. I lost 100 pounds. Unbeknownst to anyone but me and my 'dates' I was seeing non-dubs and having sex when I wanted to--with who I wanted to have it with. I also had what was my latest and most severe Near-Death Experience. All this changed me so much I was afraid I was going insane for a little while. I changed my favorite foods, my favorite color, everything. I considered such concepts as 'walk-ins' and 'soul-transfers'. And as soon as I could physically walk away I walked out of the Kingdom Hall--never looked back and began immediately practicing witchcraft 3000 miles away with a new name and a new life. I had a paralegal friend write a letter on her attorneys letter head to Bethel saying I died--faithful and that I partook the last Memorial.

    I made a complete psychic and emotinal break, and I have not back tracked once. It has been 6 1/2 yrs since I physically left.


  • Thirdson

    I don't think my personality has changed, and I would argue that it is difficult to change personality. Sure, my beliefs have changed, and I am more open minded and accepting of the differences between people and less dogmatic and judgmental. But I don't think there is much difference in my personality. I am not the person I was ten years ago and while my change of religious belief has been dramatic there have been plenty of other changes in my life (mostly good, and I regard leaving the JW religion a very good thing) no less important.


    PS I haven't posted much or even read much on this board recently. I have been extremely busy the past few weeks coping with down-sizing changes at work. In addition to managing large projects to handle logistical changes with the closure of international facilities I have assumed the duties of my former boss who was laid off in March. In addition, I am working with my attorney to resolve family law issues related to my ex-wife. I will provide an update on this when a resolution is reached. Despite the stress Mrs Thirdson and I are doing fine, knowing we have each other helps us cope with the uncertainties life throws up.

  • Prisca

    I've become more out-going since I left, more sure of myself and less likely to put up with crap from anyone. It could have a bit to do with maturing in the years since I left, but I think that leaving has made me a stronger person, and I'm more sure of who I am.

  • minimus

    xjw---"Yes, I became a member of the human race"---- What you say is so true. I realize when I tell people that JW's don't celebrate bitrhdays, holidays and other events for the reason we are told, people look at you like you've got 2 heads or you're an alien. It's good to be able to see and think as a member of the human race.

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