I'm bad now (i think).
How Many Here Changed Their Personality After Leaving The Witnesses?
by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends
Frannie Banannie
Min, I'm still H.U.M.A.N.....(head up my ass now).....but at least I now know there isn't any light in that tunnel
Frannie B
got my forty homey?
Hell no. Basically I'm still a fun loving person at heart as I was as a Witness, but now a days I'm quicker to temper explosions, untactful speech, cynisicm, hatred, just the good old stuff.
After having a long conference with my personalities, they all were in agreement that there has been change. We no longer have my head stuck up my Butt, and am much more a fun person, and don't take things as seriously as before.
CybillOhiocowboy -
I would argue that it is difficult to change personality
Bingo! I think you can change your habits & behaviors ... I think you can gain a better understanding of your core personality & learn how to use it to your advantage instead of fighting against it & making yourself miserable ... but I don't think we can change our personalities.
Popeye was right: I yam whut I yam. No wonder I didn't wanna remain a Witness.
My basic personality has not changed, but i don't carry around that huge burdon of guilt I've had my whole life. I also feel a lot more free and i think i've actually become my true personality.
I just spoke to a friend of mine who still is a JW and she rekons i look better now than i ever have. A lot of people have said the same. So i think the truth was detrimental to my health. I am a much healthier person now.
A few of you have mentioned that you can't easily change a personality - which I agree with. I'm still pretty much the same person I was as a dub...
everything is more relaxed, more natural now. I no longer feel stifled, or have to control my humour, taste, opinions or language any more (except when I'm visiting my mom! )
I don't think essentially I'd have liked to change my personality.....I happen to like me - those that don't, well who gives a shit about them anyway?